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Advice regarding informing the DVLA of a dangerous driver

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Does anyone know if this is possible?


There is an elderly man on our street who continually drives erratically down the road. He has bashed mine and a neighbours car a few times before whilst taking 15 attempts to park his car in a huge spot, and has been extreamly rude and denied it even when we have seen him do it right in front of our eyes! As I had no photo evidence at the time I felt I couldn't do anything about it so put it down to experienced and parked further down the road.


However today I saw him screech to a halt whilst a child was playing in the road (and trust me the kid was obvious to mee from 100m away), and all he did was yell abuse at the little boy. Unfortunately the kid ran off and I have no idea who he is.


I can only assume he cannot see properly and I really do not think he is fit to drive.


Is there any way I can contact the authorities to have his lisence reconsidered? I couln't live with myself if he hurt someone, and he is a very unapproachable man. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

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..you would probably need some evidence of his bad driving..a video or other eyewitness account.


Reporting him to the police might work too, but please be sure of your evidence as it doesn't want to appear to be a witch hunt against him :)

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This is a police matter an it's really important he is reported. It's not a matter of a which hunt, the police will contact the relevant people and he should be made to re-sit his test to prove he is safe if there is no evidence against him. He won't be treated unfairly or victimised.


Please do report him, my brother's best friend was knocked down and killed in a supermarket car park by an elderly gentleman who was unfit to drive because of eyesight issues.

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The DVLA can't do anything nor can the police unless he is convicted of anything and banned and ordered to take a retest, although police may give him some "advice". His doctor can tell him that he shouldn't drive but even then it this mans responsibilty to inform DVLA alhough he would have some questions to answer if he went on to have an accident having been told to give up by doctor (if they find out).


Very difficult thing for old folk to give up the freedom that driving affords them, dangerous though it is, they often don't realise.

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The DVLA can't do anything nor can the police unless he is convicted of anything and banned and ordered to take a retest, although police may give him some "advice".



I think you're right; but, the police don't actually need to see him have an accident, do they? If they see him driving erratically, they can do him for "without due care and attention..." and if they're warned that he really is that bad, they might care to go and take a look one day.


Am I right? Not being a driver I don't read up on this stuff as closely as some others might. I don't suppose the police would treat it as top priority anyway, if they're already so short of funds and staff that they can't investigate every burglary every night.

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