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Suspicious Death of a 3 year old girl in Sheffield pub

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Cos unfortunately that’s a reflection of the society we live in. Loads of kids are being abused right now and a few people do do something about it but the majority seem to be quite happy to turn a blind eye as they don’t want to get involved and tell themselves ‘well, it’s none or our business really is it’.


As adults we are all responsible for the safety of children and if we suspect or know of a child being abused then we must do something about it. Perhaps if more people did we could avoid terrible tragedies like this one.


Couldn't agree with you more.


So many times I've seen parents shrieking in the faces of their kids, f*** off and similar. Ignoring them all together, looking at a child's face while it nervously judges the reaction to something they've just said to their parent.:(


I have tried to approach the odd parent who has really been vicious to their child only for the parent to give me a dose of what they're giving to their kid.

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Well said.Sally-ann,but I am always puzzled about people not noticing things happening to small children especially friends and family.


Hi nosey nellie - it may seem puzzling but most abuse happens within families and in many cases has been going on for years, generation to generation. Abuse is often covered up by the abusers and the children learn from a very early age not to say anything, more out fear than anything. A childs behaviour will give it away and also physical signs like bruises etc. but the sad fact is that people tend to not want to get involved cos they’re afraid of any repercussions.

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You look back though, and at the time everything seemed normal. It's only afterwards you think you may have seen something.


Everyone who knows them I'm sure may have seen something that only afterwards made them think.


It's up to the courts now though. The police wouldn't have charged them without what they deem sufficient evidence.

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