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What do you all think about the proposed e-campus that's going to be built next to Midland Station where Dyson House is now? Presuming that Sheffield actually manages to attract some high tech companies to the area for once that is.


It's what Sheffield really needs to do in my opinion. We have tens of thousands of students in the city but once they've got their degrees it's all but impossible to find a high tech job in Sheffield.

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This sound very interesting, but can you confirm it will definitely be built? I heard several months ago that plans for it had to be shelved as the bus company was unwilling to give the land away (or something along those lines)

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It was in the Star the day before yesterday that it was going ahead again. It got shelved because the old plan was to build it on the site of the Interchange but now they've moved it to the Dyson House site.

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Think Leeds is getting an E-Campus so we shall have to have one too.

Remember when every town worth its civic salt had to have

a Leisure Centre usually named after some local worthy.

Now the current flavour is atriums,quarters,clusters,ideas stores

(public libraries).

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