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Campaign to save Yorkshire accent

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haha ok.. i've lived in sheffield my whole life, but never really got the accent [apart from for a year or so when i hung out with the 'wrong crowd'] i still have trouble understand my brother-in-law sometimes because his accent's really broad!


though i am one who is very interested in local history and the preservation of sheffield how it was/is and im damn proud of my city!

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Its taken less than 5 years, but since I moved south my lovely Sheffield accent is almost gone. Im starting to sound more like these bland bleeders here more and more each day.


I grew up in Sheffield, and left at 25. I've now lived 'darn Sarf' for 9 years and I don't think my accent has changed!


I have to make an effort to soften it so the Southerners can understand what I'm saying, but when I come back to the Steel City it's identical (I think).


It's funny when my Devon born and bred wife comes to Sheffield and starts trying to mimic the accent. Sorreh luv! Cracks me up!

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I have friends in Northern Ireland and I've lost count of the times I've been told I have a sexy accent when I visit :D It's a standing joke that whenever we go to a pub in NI I end up with a drunk stranger begging me to talk just to hear my accent.


The downside is they all think I'm Scottish :confused:

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