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Anyone a photography buff?

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I also learnt on SLR and film. And the thing with digital is most of this isn't as important as they seem to do the basics for you automatically. Unless you are looking for artistic or specific type pics.

Complete nonsense.:P Apart from film cameras having auto exposure long before digital appeared, learning what aperture/shutter/ISO variations do, is exactly how you will get the best pictures from your camera. The fundamentals of picture taking have not altered with digital, just the recording medium.

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It's the Canon EOS 400D I have just bought.

Mainly landscapes and nature pics I'm wanting to take.


I will probably see about going on a course or something aswell as get a book AND PRACTICE!


Thanks all for your comments, really helpful!


Amy :)

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Works fine for me with firefox.Anyone else having problems?

Ah, but FF is simply a weak copy of a decent browser! :P


And there's a bug in Windows Firefox when displaying Flash, which has caused no end of grief on a site I'm doing. Which was about as simple a site as one could get - one line of text inc hyperlink and a flash movie.

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