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Herbs advice, please

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Last year I had oregano, mint, thyme, parsley and fennel growing in wall basket in the garden but over the winter and then drought they've nearly all died (yes I neglected them). I am planning on buying more herbs to replace these but don't want the same thing to happen again. Other than watering them, is there anything else I should do to keep them healthy?


I am also growing basil and corriander indoors, are there others that would be better in here too? Would these survive outside?


Finally, I have some baby sage. 1 indoors and 1 oudoors. They're both about 1 1/2 inch but they're growing really slowly - is that normal?



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Fennel is probably better off in a normal pot as it grows quite large and will need plenty of water.

Anything in pots or baskets will need regular watering.

Winter cold can kill Parsley esp if not cut back to ground level (although mine survived this year somehow).


I've tried to grow basil and coriander outside, only to have each plant eaten (cats and slugs respectively) within 2 days, so would keep those inside.

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Thanks for the advice. I have put water crystals in the baskets in the hope of keeping them moist - have to admit though, they did get dry. I didnb't know to cut parsley back - I'll bear that in mind.


I am going to start my collection again - shall pick up a parsley, thyme and oregano. Never really used the mint anyway.


Which herbs do other people use regularly?

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I always have lemon balm because it smells yummy and you can use the leaves in cocktails! It's difficult to kill. Also of course lavender is a good un. I use my rosemary an awful lot in cooking as well which is easy to grow. Have fun!

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I always have lemon balm because it smells yummy and you can use the leaves in cocktails! It's difficult to kill. Also of course lavender is a good un. I use my rosemary an awful lot in cooking as well which is easy to grow. Have fun!


Ah yes, I have a healthy lemon balm which has travelled with me a few times. Its supposed to be a natural calmer so. I went through a phase of eating chicken, mayonaise and lemon balm sanwiches.


Got both Rosemary and Lavendar too. The lavendar growing in tyres at the back looks really healthy but the potted ones on the front garden look almost dead :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have since added a new pasley, Thyme and a mint to the collection (mint is going in a pot of its own). I bought some 'reduced as nearly dead' herbs from Wilkinsons today - more thyme, sage and this other thing... label on the pack said lemon mint but it tastes of neither - in fact it tastes leafy; it looks similar in shape to Oregano but rounder - it was in the 'Asia' herb pack but as they are open they could have easily have been switched. Can anyone tell me when I have just bought?


The two lavendars that were at the front of the house have shrivelled and gone a bit woody - maybe its the less light or the traffic. So I've moved them out back where the others are doing well.

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