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How do I get an allotment?

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just accepted a plot on high wincobank,nettles all over it.In a right mess really,



I took my plot nearly 2 years ago and it was 6 foot high in weeds (most of them nettles) dont despair just clear a section at a time and turn the nettles into fertiliser or compost. whatever you do dont rotivate the area with nettles as when you chop up the roots they all become baby nettles and the problem multiplies. Good luck and happy gardening

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This is a good time of year for applying glyphosate weedkiller (Tumbleweed or Roundup).Spray on the leaves of the weeds when dry weather is forecast.Most of your weeds should be dead within 3 weeks.This weedkiller doesn't affect the soil,so you can rotavate and plant as soon as the weeds are dead.

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