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Property shop (priority housing) - How long have you waited?


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To paraphrase Bart Simpson, "I don't know whether the property shop sucks or blows".


I've been up here 10 months now, in Woodhouse open Prison Aka St Anne's @Shelter@ for homeless men, and I can tell you that I've not heard anything... *Slowly pulls out eyelashes* :P

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The whole bidding/ housing seems to have gone competely mad. The guy I know has had priority since 2003 re refurbishment, hasn,t been offerd properties he,s bid for and is now threatened with an eviction procedure for not being succesfull in bidding?


Forced bids follow where ever and which ever getto is going that tenants with a choise havn,t chosen to bid for (ie bids placed by the housing stock reduction team, deemed suitable to avoid homelessness due to not being offerd a property in 2 years or having priority)


All properties this guy bids on go to other tenants accourding to housing with higher priority and in the mean time the deadline date of the threatened eviction procedure gets closer? All of which is in the hands of sheffield housing and not in the hands of the tennant who is simply not succesfull in his bidding? On top of this the relocation money he would get will be witheld if the eviction procedure takes place?


Has any one got any experience of the legality of this sittuation?

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All the housing system and people who work for ik suck, along with the propertyshop from what I,ve heard.


I,d like to think it was a fair system with helpfull competent people working for the people who they are supposed to be helping, instead of stressing them with threats of eviction for not being successfull in thier bids.


Not being offerd a property in 18 months time and not being told this is because they changed their criteria, hardly constitutes social housing in my mind. More like scandalous housing, dysfunction!

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i am sick to death of this new housing thing my kitchen is a mess and ive now been waiting a year for repairs and different people are telling me different things. im also on the housing list but im not gettin anyway with this bidding. ive tryed for priorty but there has to be something wrong with me i cant get it just on family suport as i want to move closer to family.

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Its really frustrating too, as no one seems to know any thin judging from the lack of response. I mailes some housing advice bureau after having a flyer put in my door and the same thing there. Its a case of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil when it comes to geting a reaction about the dysfunctional housing system.

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My husband and I have cited several reasons for wanting to move to the Sheffield area - not least of which is family ties. I have a condition which means I need a bit of family support a few days a month - however, my only family are in Ireland and completely out of touch with what is happening here.


We have been on the waiting list for more than three years, and have religiously (almost) applied for housing every week. Housing we have applied for has been allocated to others who seem to have spent less time on the waiting list than us - on more than one occasion. Sheffield Homes response to this is that "There's an error on the system and the information is wrong!"


I'm about at the end of my tether trying to manage when I'm incapable of doing so and am hacked off with Sheffield City Council's platitudes and excuses. If I thought it would do any good I'd contact the Ombudsman.

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What a pity no one on the forum with experience, for example councilors and housing members arn,t responding but then I suppose that would be too much to expect. When one needs advice there is sudenly no one home, typical. There was a flyer in the door offering legal and impartial advice on future council housing so I emailed them for my friend and what was the result, can any one guess. Well, they are no longer offering advice re Park Hill. What a wonderfull way of standing on the side line and browny licking.

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with demolition priority was just 3 months as i wanted to still be in the area a was liveing in,

but just moved again near my mum area on medical prirorty and took me over 7 moths.even affter bidding on houses near this area the demolition had piority over me,but i finaly got a house in area i wanted in 7 months of bidding on ever house arround this area.was pritty lucky too as was told this area was a long waiting list with it being so popular.but i knew that too as i grew up in this area im in now.

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