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The New Sheffield Graffiti Thread


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well I am studying art (present tense) and I can tell you that vandalism is not art, and destroying other people's property is not in any way a meaningful or creative act. "The masses" who you claim to speak for would rather their environment was not degraded by sociopaths. That is all that the people you're slating object to. And The Masses would find that a reasonable statement.


i know a couple of graffiti writers currently studying fine art at uni.

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I DO take offence at the foul, abusive, offensive, and homophobic language that accompanies the sunglasses face, however.




it's quite funny a couple of homophobes writing PRICK AND BUM.



i think the face with a nob going into the mouth is hillarious, wouldn't want it on my house like. :hihi:

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on saturday me and three of my friends painted the coffee shop that someone was asking about earlier in the thread:










this was our first large scale commission.


THEY don't look bad, and the point is, you had PERMISSION to do it, no?


it's where it's meant to be, it's not encroaching on other folks' property, I don't have a problem with it.

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hahaha i dont know them but its actually to be pronounced p-rick. they are about 16 i think, not too good because they havent been writing graffiti long


come on someone must know who's responsable fot this mess-(?) it wasnt the best way to spend a bank holiday scrubbing my garage and back gate to remove bad language, tags and cartoon faces. Those that did it should clean it up.

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Plain if you look anything like your picture that explains all. Yep, back to the name calling ETC because your not adult anove to have a serious conversation, you go on about the scene because you've never experianced the scene, please come along june the 16th, its not just graffiti, its a massive sharrow festival, with exotic foods and `stuff`.


you are incredibly rude and offenssive.


how dare you say I'm not adult enough. (that's e-n-o-u-g-h, by the way)


I've experienced (that's e-x-p-e-r-i-e-n-c-e-d, by the way) more, in my life, than your miniscule brain could imagine.


and I do actually work WITH the sharrow festival, thank you....

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