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Sheffield Homes - gaining priority because of neighbours


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Done this, spoken to Housing Association, kept a diary log, filled it in. Its not my immediate neighbours BTW just some little scrotes making our life a misery. The HA gives them warnings, and they dont bother us for a bit, then it starts again. I am obviously continuing to monitor and record.


I suppose you just have to keep recording problems and communicating with the HA. Its such a shame, I've been reading your posts for ages about trying to get a move to a bigger house, I was so pleased when you did - but its not working out so well is it? I hope things turn round for you - I know how distressing anti social behaviour is, and how difficult it is to get proof. Is anyone on your estate in touch with the Community Safety Officers who work with the police in this area? Just asking in case they aren't aware of the issues there.

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Thanks, Macbeth.

Ive spoken to Community Policemen and they gave me diary sheets too. But filling in two lots is too much, so Im just doing the HA ones and photocopying them. If things escalate I will get in touch with the police. But I dont know if the community safety officers just do council houses? do you?


I heard on the grapevine that a certain family was given their final warning last week, but dont know if this will do anything.


BTW just been re-reading this as my daughter is having housing problems!

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QUOTE LESLEY B "Oh the joys of council housing


I don't qualify for council housing so I rent on the private market "


I thought anyone these days could apply for council housing now there is the bidding process. You probably will be waiting 15 years but Im sure you can go on the list. Mind you, you probably wont want to.

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Basically, the answer to your question is yes - you can be re-housed if you have a serious problem with your neighbours. However, it can be very difficult as it comes down to a matter of proving that there is a problem!


My advice:


1) Make sure you submit an official complaint in writing to the local housing office, and keep a copy along with a record of when you sent it. (E-mail is a good way to do this)

2) If you do send e-mails, try to include your local councillors as a CC so they know you mean business!

3) Keep a diary of everything that happens with your neighbour to use as evidence.

4) If your neighbour is doing anything criminal, make sure you involve the police and keep them updated each time it happens! Again, try to correspond in writing and keep copies.


If there is a serious problem I and the local Lib Dem team would be happy to offer you support and advice. Just send me a PM if you want to discuss this further!





I have written to my local councillors today, but I was puzzled when I was told I was in the Stannington ward. The council committee secretary told me my councillors were Vicky Priestley, David Baker and Arthur Dunworth. I have written to them on the basis that I would like something sorted out for these kids eg somewhere to play where they wont bother anyone, because I think thats the best way at the moment.


I also sent you a PM a couple of days ago.

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I've had a lot of bad experience with the council. Nobody get's anything anymore 'cos they're too busy knocking down properties and having to give those people priority!! I mean, it's only right...they can't leave people homeless, but then why not just STOP MAKING THEM HOMELESS and give someone else a chance?!..grrr! Sorry..I just think the whole 'bidding' system is a farce!

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