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Sheffield Kickboxing Show 17th November 2006= RESULTS!!!


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No farhad i really don't know how you could forget me hahahaha..i know those idiots, or "yobs" as u describe them, were so pathetic and i agree, Brett did a brill job!!!!Yeah, got home fine - sorry i had to go so early, it was my brothers birthday so i wanted to catch him before he went out.....Wajid who??? i'm assuming that who gave me the lift lol (i never asked lol).



Well any insinuations that the fights were rigged are completely ludicrous because I was sitting with the judges (i was timekeeper) and they were all making fair decisions regardless of any external factors. Sore losers will say what they wish to blame everything but themselves for losing but clearly from denying they made any accusations in the first place itself suggests that they know they're wrong!

Anyway stop all that crap because as catt said the thread will get closed and i'm sure the majority would rather that didn't happen!


MUCH LOVE *sarahbabe*

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Hi all.

Rob from Black Dragons here.

I spoke to Farhad earlier and he is a little concerned about the rising animosity on this thread. I speak on behalf of Farhad and myself:

Black Dragons and AFK are two of Sheffields most professional and respectful clubs and following the events of the other night I can assure you that there is no lasting resentment or rivalry between us all. We all share the desire for fair and enjoyable competition and love of the sport. Both clubs have excellent reputations in producing well trained and conditioned fighters of all ages and levels and I personally look forward to future competitions between some of Sheffields strongest fighters.

Lets leave the fighting to the ring, eh guys? And keep it clean... :)



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I'm quite suprised myself that this animosity appears to have sprung up.


I trained at AFK recently, and as a beginner found it friendly.


Apart from someone breaking wind the class was excellent when I went, hopefully the instructors will clamp down on peoples bottom noises in future

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i think that both of you lads shoudl calm it down, it all fair doing it on here but wot about if u were face to face? u wudnt be as quick, in future u should only say here what you would say to the persons face, yes the AFK have great fighters and so do the Black Dragons. a true fighter would not start calling a rival club for how they train, if you have better facilities then u should feel privileged. any fighter knows that it is not down to the club as to wether they win a fight or not because they are the one in the ring, not the whole club. think about it, if u both believe that u r true fighters then develop the same mentality as a fighter.

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And at the risk of sounding really dumb, doesn't it seem a bit fishy to anyone else that these two users have sprung up on the forum at exactly the same time, (today actually) not posting an other messages except just to stir it up a bit.

Hmmm.... yeah.

Nice try, tho...

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hi daniel here from black dragons

i agree with what rob says both the afk and the black dragons have a set of really good fighters both with different experience levels if there were any arguments we would know about it but nothing as been said at black dragons or afk to our knowledge :thumbsup:

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i agree daniel, myself and farhad have discussed it and both of us agree that neither club would have such people in it. both clubs are full of respectable men and women which would not sink to such a low level. u did well on friday nyt daniel, was a gud fight, i hope to see u again at the next one even if ur not fighting.

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thanx for the compliment mate soz i am only familiar with names so i hope u dnt mind me asking who u are as i dnt reconise the nickname i am also happy with my prefomance on friday but like u say i need to keep my hands up so i will be training alot more so i am a better fighter :thumbsup:

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