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Gutted, failed AGAIN!!

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i do always drive well as i been kartibg since the age of 10 and passed first time with no minor mistake at all(the examier coment on it) i am always fully alert of whats around me so no mistake are for muppets who cant drive and stall cars
Kartibg is about vehicle control, is nothing like driving cars and has no resemblance to conditions on the road. The fact that young kids do it proves that point. Because you are so over confident you will be a very risky person on the road. How old are you?
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You're telling me you've never made a mistake, taken your eyes off the road or had your attention distracted whilst driving? If so, I salute you. You are indeed perfect. :thumbsup:

But millions of us manage to drive every day without making any major mistakes. Thats what the test is about. Showing the instructor you can drive round without making too many minor mistakes within a short period of time.


If at first you dont succeed try try again. £100 isnt too much. Its a tiny amount compaired to doing the 12K average a year in even an economical car. A few £££ is definately worth the liberating feeling that being able to drive and having wheels gives. Why else would we not care about poluting the planet if it wasnt worth it. Dont give up now as it will cost you more to pick up and start learing again later.

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Kartibg is about vehicle control, is nothing like driving cars and has no resemblance to conditions on the road. The fact that young kids do it proves that point. Because you are so over confident you will be a very risky person on the road. How old are you?

i am 69 never had an accident and i drive 69000 a year

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