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My home was robbed last night while we were in!


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We were burgled just under 2 weeks ago.......while we slept in our beds. Markyboy reckons that the police won't even try to catch the criminals. Well, I have to say that if they don't get the t***s that did this to us it won't be from lack of trying! They have been fantastic throughout. They were here within a short time of us reporting the crime and they have kept us informed from day one. I can't sing their praises high enough.

I can't go into detail here because the investigation is still on-going.

I can express my own feelings though and they are that the spineless cretins that choose to commit these sort of crimes should be shot at dawn! They don't deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us. To break into somebodies house in the dead of night and rob them just shows how low these sort of scum will creep. They don't have any excuses at all. They are the lowest of low.

I can't begin to tell you just what it does to one's peace of mind and security. I will never ever feel safe in my own home again. I am scared to go to bed. I am scared to open a window. I am scared to leave my house. All because some smackhead thought it was ok to break in and rob (rape) us while we slept!

Ok, breathe..........somebody on this thread has allready recommended making a note of all serial numbers of electronic stuff.........yes, do it. It's good advice and I wish we had thought of it before now. Not only that but take pictures of all valuables. EG:- the vase that aunt maud left you. Your jewellry, your pedigree cat/dog.....in fact anything that is precious to you. Keep all serial numbers, pictures and any receipts in a folder.......and hide it well. Lift the carpet if you need to........just make sure these sort of things are very well hidden.

Finally, buy/ask your local police force for a permanant ultra violet marker pen. Use this to mark all things like laptops, camera's, televisions etc etc with your postcode and house number. You can even put your name on if you wish. This isn't totally foolproof but might just possibly help to cage a criminal if he/she is caught with your property.

Then there is house security. We do have window locks on our downstairs windows. Unfortunately the window that was used to enter our house wasn't locked at that time. Enough said. The rest of the house is like fort Knox and I do lock doors etc even while in the house.......especially if I'm upstairs or in the garden.

This might be of interest to readers anyhow. We got a phone call from Sheffield homes. They were offering us window locks and alarms etc etc. I thought that because we are private home owners that we wouldn't get this FREE service but I was wrong. It's the burglery reduction-target hardening team working in partnership with south yorkshire police. These people came out to visit us a couple of days ago and installed all new window locks and also alarms on all downstairs openings. I can't begin to tell you just how much difference this has made to my "state of mind". I never even knew that such a team existed but I think it's only come about to the entire of sheffield since our change of council leadership. Apparantly this sort of scheme has been around for years but only in the "deprived" area's of the city.

Footnote:- these window locks etc can only be offered to people with wooden window frames.

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someone robbed my house, he was a smackhead, i court him, tied him up and put him in cellar, he is now on my rehab plan, he is doin well last week we un tied him,, but always lock the cellar door, he is doin well havin loads of ice cream and water, think next month he should be a new and will be relesed lol

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Or chain them up and torture them for a good few hours.....that might do the trick.


I don't like your idea and I think thats really nasty!!!
































Mind you a few weeks would be better:thumbsup:

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well many years ago i was out with my parents and we had an old door which the latch was broken but u could still lock it with a key but it wrecked anyway, the door was big and wooden really strong and tugh and this one night wen me and my parents were out (we had 4 dogs btw) some one tried to break in and dint do a very good job cos all thye did was scratch the blue paint on the door and made marks...so sum ppl r lucky and i hope tht the police cath them who did tht awfull thing to u and lock them up so you knw ur safe and secure and maybe it would actually be a good idea to get an alarm, we did and it goes off wenever the dors r open, hope u get your stuff back...

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