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Sheffield Freecycle


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Do you know roughly how long it takes for a message you've posted on freecycle to be approved and shown on the site? I sent something early this morning but I can't see it yet and I'm just wondering when it might appear.


(Oh, and if anyone wants to come and take a double divan bed off my hands in the very near future, that'd be very helpful ;))




Usually messages appears very quickly. I can't see your post. Are you sure it worked? Perhaps try again. I also noticed someone was asking for a doubel bed yesterday.

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OMG ....i have just subscribed onto the free cycle site. guess what! 324 messages this morning arhhhhh!!!! they keep popping up while i'm ranting on here.


love the site can't stand the messages & unable to contact any mods.


if you have any luck please post so i can try the same


thanks a lot



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Thanks for your message. Maybe they had quite a few posts to approve as I've just had another look and it's there now. Just hope it works, it's my first attempt!


All first messages from new users have to be manually approved, so they take a bit longer- once you're through that stage any messages you post will appear in only a few minutes on the system.


Hopefully Stagewalker's problem has now been sorted, so my advice for anyone else having these problems is to contact the Freecycle moderators and ask them to look into the problems.


One of the Freecycle moderators has actually tried to register with SF to answer the points here, but owing to some minor issues with software following our server upgrade has been unable to do so.

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OMG ....i have just subscribed onto the free cycle site. guess what! 324 messages this morning arhhhhh!!!! they keep popping up while i'm ranting on here.


love the site can't stand the messages & unable to contact any mods.


if you have any luck please post so i can try the same


thanks a lot




Hi Liz


If you go to the Freecycle site and click on 'Members' from the left hand side of the screen, then click on the 'Moderators' tab, it will bring up the email address of all of the moderators. I've talked by email to 2 of the moderators in the last 24 hours, so they do check their mail regularly, and answer mail.


There's also a daily digest of messages that you can opt for instead of receiving the individual messages, which can regularly exceed 100 a day.

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Hello, I'm one of the mods of Sheffield Freecycle.


Stagewalker> The occasional problem with members receiving emails after they have unsubscribed is a known global problem with the Yahoogroups system which Freecycle is currently using to run its groups (there are plans to move all Freecycle groups to a dedicated system so we don't have to put up with all Yahoo's problems, but these are far in the future). Some workarounds that have been known to work are:


- resubscribing and unsubscribing again

- resubscribing and changing your settings to 'no email' before unsubscribing (waiting for the settings to take effect before unsubbing)


If these suggestions don't work, then I'm afraid all we can do is suggest you contact Yahoogroups support - unfortunately we are as much users of their system as you are and therefore do not have the power to sort it out when it goes wrong. We are sorry that you have had these problems and that we cannot do more to sort them out for you :(


I would echo Medusa's suggestion (thanks!) of filtering out emails with [sheffield-Freecycle] in the title as an interim measure.


For anyone who is struggling with the amount of Freecycle emails, you can change your mail settings to "special notices" (which will stop all email apart from the occasional admin notice) or "daily digest" (which collates emails into a few messages a day). You can change these settings by following the 'edit membership' link at the top of the group home page - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Sheffield-FreeCycle/ .


If you need to contact the moderators the best address to use is sheffield-freecycle-owner@yahoogroups.com . Emails to this address go to all three of us so should get answered asap. If anyone's having problems changing their settings then let us know and we'll try to help.

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