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Gallbladder problems

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but am one of the unlucky ones who cant cope with the bile constantly going thru and now have to take medication 4 times a day for life.


I've not heard this before, what's it all about? Could it happen to me? By chance they've found out I have gall stones in my bile duct and they still want to whip out my gall bladder even though I don't have any symptoms or pain. I've been given three op dates already and put them off as I'm not sure about having the op when I'm not ill. What should I do?

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when i had to see the consultant about the bile problem he said quite a few people now get this problem after gall bladder surgery if its only mild alot of people just get on with it but mine was really bad, terrible stomache cramps, nausia and had to goto loo very quickly upto 8 times a day. But as i said the medication works fantasticly and i would rather take this than have my gall bladder back!!!

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Also had my gallbladder removed after stone stuck in bile duct and jaundice.

Had this done by keyhole about 4 yrs ago but now have small hard lump in belly button which is sometimes painful and have developed an intolerance to lactose. Has any one else had complications like these?

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I started with what I was told was indigestion half way through my prenancy. Even in the latter stages I had a rash which was due to my bile ducts being blocked - all blamed on being pregnant. I had awful episodes of the worst pain. Not knowing what it was and pregnant was very very frightening. I would rather go through labour with no drugs than suffer again.


It took another 2 years to be diagnosed with gall stones and another year for the operation. I had keyhole surgery and never looked back.


I have maintained that because I went through the proceedures of seeing GP's and waiting for appointments I was made to wait. If I had known then what I know now I would have gone to A&E on every attack.


This was proved to me when on the same day, done by the same surgeon was a woman who hadn't had half the symptoms I had only suffered for 6 months had the same op. I had gone private just to see consultant to bring forward 3 months of waiting after being under the hospital for 6 months before even being put on his list for consultation. I was then told I was on the urgent list and only through chasing because of a new job got the op 3-4 months before I should have. In all I waited over 3 years.


The only thing I find is when I go drinking it is like I'm 17 again. I just can't take it anymore.


Anyone who is suffering with Gall stones have the op as soon as you can. Don't let the Doctors and Hospitals mess you around.


Good Luck!!!

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I can't believe so many people have had galstone problems.

As i mentioned earlier I seem to have other problems.

I suffer from a condition called Scleroderma & due to this have a hiatus hernia, inflamed stomach & IBS. I also mentioned earlier I keep gatting D & V every other week, I have come home twice this week with it. In the past week I have lost 5lb & 2 stone in the past 6 weeks due to gallbladder trouble & D & V.

The specialest I see thinks I may also have gastroparesis (basically my stomach doesn't work, so it fills with food then becomes inflamed & infected, then theres a mad dash for the loo).

I have been to A & E 3 times now, I stayed in 5 days the 1st time but as they don't do much refused to stay in the other 2.

Pain killers don't have much effect on either pain unless its just niggling. I have dyhydrochlorine, cocodomaol, tramadol & kapake & nevopam some make me feel dopey & hallucinate,

There doesn't seem to be much I can eat, dairy (my favourite is impossible), gallbladder stop me eating red meat, fatty foods & dairy, D & V trouble stops me eating fruit & veg, foods hard to digest (eggs, bananas, tomatoes) & foods filled with fibre. Rice even causes a problem. Today I have managed 4 slices of chicken & & chicken sandwich, no butter on danish bread.

I have lost so much weight & keep getting sent home from work that when I tell people how I am they start talking in a way as if I have cancer. E.G oh my dad had that problem (he died of cancer). People are being over kind to me as if they should coz I may be in my final days, I get so frustrated with them.

Anyway I will keep you all posted, its nice in a horrible sort of way to see that some people do understand after going through similar problems.

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  • 6 months later...

A long time ago since my last post, so here's whats happened since!

I have continued to have the excrutiating pain after eating, this can be evey day or can be weeks in between. Have lost a total of 3 stone & in danger of losing my job. I have had every test imaginable to find out what the problem was to no avail. The last time I saw my consultant he told me he thought all my problems were due to the gallstones & cancelled all other appointments with other consultants until my gallbladder was removed. The pain, trouble & problems I have had have been beyond believe. I have been too ill to even get a taxi home from work & laid on my office floor untill my fella came to pick me up & I work at NGH.

Anyway I got a date for the removal for the week before Xmas, this was no good having a young daughter & hadn't even started on Xmas, so this was cancelled & I was promised a date in the new year but this never came. After constantly hassling & constantly needing medical attention I was given the 8/3/07 for the op.

Just over a week ago I started with the pain again, this wasn't excrutiating it was sort of different but constantly there & mirrored on the opposite side (i now know this to be the pancreas). The pain was copable but I somehow knew it wasn't right. I then got a call mid last week offering me to have the op on Saturday just gone, I accepted.

I told the surgeon about the pain I had been in for the past week but he didn't seem concerned. I went for the surgery but when I was waken in recovery I was screaming out in pain in my chest, this settled with morphine. The following day they thought I was having a heart attack when I was screaming in pain with my chest again. I lost a grip of the drink & tablets I was holding & they sent urgently for the dr.

The surgeon came & spoke to me. He says if I had waited any longer to have my gallbladder removed I was in danger of it rupturing & killing me as it was totally full of pus & badly diseased. I was lucky the surgeon managed to do the surgery by keyhole. There was a large stone lodged in my bile duct & bile was leaking back into my liver. The chest pain was a pool of blood left behind after the surgery, the pain as refferred to my chest & shoulder.

I feel so much better now & have come home today to recuperate. The dr's have told me they are almost 100% sure the bowel trouble I have had is due to the extent of the gallbladder problems.

So for all who are interested I am now on the mend. Anyone who has gallbladder trouble get it sorted out ASAP.

And anyone with new idea's on how I can now lose weight, let me know (only joking)!

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I was rushed into hospital on Friday evening in severe pain, came out yesterday. Apparently I have gall stones & need to have my gallbladder removed.

The best part about it all is I've had these type of pains for the past 4 years & dr's have put it down to indigestion, gastric trouble & viruses. When you get the severe pain it's a medical emergency because the stones can be blocking the liver or pancreas.

Why do dr's pass most things off as a virus, you'd think 4 years of pain that they would insist on investigating.

Anyone else had similar problems or knows what to expect with the removal of the gallbladder?


I've not had mine removed, and I still have the attacks from time to time. I carry some Buscopan with me and find that 2 or 3 will stop the pain within about 10 mins...


The attacks seem to follow a fatty meal, so avoiding these helps...


Hope thats of some use.

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Haven't read through all of the thread but wanted to add that I have done gallbladder flushes and they have provided definate relief from pain and discomfort.


Gallbladder pain is typically a result of many years worth of blockage/buildup - so one flush will not cure all. It will however help get things shifting, enabling subsequent flushes to continue the relief. :)



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