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Anyone else off today?

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just wondered if anyone else was off today, enjoying the lovely sunshine, i actually got a little burnt yesterday, i was only sat out for an hour or 2!i love the weather being like this makes everyone seem so much happier!:)


Yes- two lovely weeks OFF WORK!:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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I'm off work today, sat in the garden with the laptop and my dog and will later be joined by stella.


There are no neighbours around... so no loud music or kids and my dog is keeping their vile cats away. There's no noisey DIY or lawn mowers and out here I cant hear the door to door salesmen knocking or the phone ring. The birds are singing, the air is clean and all is peaceful.


I'm bored.

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I'm off work today, sat in the garden with the laptop and my dog and will later be joined by stella.


There are no neighbours around... so no loud music or kids and my dog is keeping their vile cats away. There's no noisey DIY or lawn mowers and out here I cant hear the door to door salesmen knocking or the phone ring. The birds are singing, the air is clean and all is peaceful.


I'm bored.



lol me too!

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I'm not off work today, sat in the office with the PC and my phone and will later be asked to do some more work.


There are other people around, quietly working... so no loud chattering from fellow co-workers or managers. There's no noise save the occasional shuffling of papers, tapping of keyboards or beeps from the photocopier. The room is warm and stuffy, the sun is trying desperately to get in through the windows, and the air is thick with computer fumes.


I'm bored.

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I'm not off work today, sat in the office with the PC and my phone and will later be asked to do some more work.


There are other people around, quietly working... so no loud chattering from fellow co-workers or managers. There's no noise save the occasional shuffling of papers, tapping of keyboards or beeps from the photocopier. The room is warm and stuffy, the sun is trying desperately to get in through the windows, and the air is thick with computer fumes.


I'm bored.

Thought about changing jobs?


I'm seriously thinking about getting a larger from the fridge but its only twenty past one and seems a little too early to start drinking.


Vodka is my normal choice but it seems totally wrong to me to be drinking spirits during daylight hours. Advise me, is it wrong to drink vodka during the day? Is it too early to be drinking at all?


I'm off work, have nothing to do today that cant wait so I could drink myself silly if I wanted.


All of you that are stuck at work at the moment... does it annoy you that I have the oppertunity to sit in the garden drinking larger but cant really be bothered to?


Why do I care about any of this?... Well I dont, I'm just bored and this as passed a few minutes.

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Never too early dear, never too early. :nono:


Its traditional to have a drink at lunchtime, it is afternoon now after all.

You're waiting until lunchtime?


Is there no more Gin left in the filing cabinet?


If its just that you cant find a glass then stop being so precious and use a coffee mug.

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