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Videos slow to load


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For some reason on my laptop which isn't that old, videos take ages to load up, this includes youtube which I thought was the problem but then I am having same problem with media player and vlc


Any ideas, could understand if it was just one or other

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windows 8 which IMHO is worse than 7


varies but a video on my pc windows media player etc takes at least 20/30 seconds to load often longer where as on my win 7 laptop it loads in seconds.


youtube its all of them pretty much just buffer for ages 30-60 seconds or longer , minutes sometimes, its quicker on my phone by miles

Thought it might be the ad blocker I had installed to stop all the crap adverts



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Have you run an up-to-date virus scan.? Clear all temporary files etc. Failing that I would go the hard way and format. If you have a factory restore option use that. No mater what you decide make sure you back up / save anything you would like to keep.


After a format / or factory restore you will lose everything. You will be back to the day you bought the system.


---------- Post added 15-03-2015 at 01:54 ----------


P.S > When I say hard I do not mean it is hard to do. I mean it is destructive. It will put your system back to the day you bought it. You will lose everything you added after purchases.

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You may have some malware running, Backup all your important data and

Install and run the free version of malwarebytes:



Run Kaspersky rootkit killer:



Run Norton Power Eraser ( note: I'm not overly confident of this application)


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