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Taking my son to see WWE Live in April; got a question.


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My son and I are off to go see WWE Live in April at the Motorpoint Arena,he really loves John Cena and would love to get a picture with him, thing is I'm not really willing to fork out £400 just to get that sort of privilege.


Does anyone know if there's a chance to catch them arriving or leaving the arena to get a photo or do they not allow that?


I just don't want to let my son think he's going personally meet him when he might not that's all.

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Honestly I wouldn't get your hopes up as many others will think the same. There's always a slim chance if you get there (very) early or are willing to stay late that you can get extremely lucky, but on overseas tours they tend to arrive & leave in groups and in order maintain kayfabe stick to more protected entrances & exits. In my opinion your best bet is to make sure you follow him on twitter and keep an eye out for local appearances / book signings at places like HMV, WHSmith, Waterstones, shopping centres and the like. Good luck, but if I were you I'd try to get him to like Wade Barrett, Paige or even Finn Balor & Adrian Neville as they'll make more personal appearances being back in their native UK.

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Thanks. I was thinking that a superstar could hopefully make a guest appearance in one of those stores around that date, but again he's so into Cena. I myself am a Rollins guy, love the guy as a heel he can talk yet back up with his in-ring performance.


I guess he'll have to make do with meeting one of those guys, Paige or BNB would be fine for me, love those two

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