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Ebola - God cured me!

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Can you give me an example from this thread where a non-believer has acknowledged the possibility of a God-inspired event? Whether they accept it as truth or not.

I 100% acknowledge the possibility of a God-inspired event.


First prove the existence of the god. Next prove that the god was behind the event.


Good luck!


---------- Post added 18-01-2016 at 07:19 ----------


I think Richard Dawkins and every religious leader will want to see your evidence.

The 2 are mutually exclusive (unless you have a 3rd option, of course). :roll:


Yes thats my point

That the theory of evolution is about evolution (and not about why man exists)?




The Nobel prize is in the post! NOT!!

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Far too many of the Atheist points to quote:


1. All I'm seeing are opinions with no corroborating evidence for your position on Noah's Flood. That's what you all insist with any God related claims right? But hey, you pick and choose.


2. "Playing with the Big Boys" - Grow up :lol:


3. Perhaps my God-related event question was a bit open for interpretation. Should've realised an Atheist would jump on that one to solidify their position. Immediately doing nothing to change my opinion.


"Oh that God I don't believe in,yeah everything he does is bad" :rolleyes:


Why not try acknowledging (again even if you don't accept it as true) that God May have done something positive to your benefit.


Go on....surprise me.




I think Richard Dawkins and every religious leader will want to see your evidence.




Yes thats my point





Oh is that how it works now? You state reasons but just say "no need". I'll remember that when Teeny is barraged with "Link Please" or "Burden of proof".


Do you not see it's a two way street?


1.There doesn't need to be evidence AGAINST the flood. I already explained why from the philosophical viewpoint. Other people have given explanations as to what this 'lack' of evidence entails.


2. I am grown up. Mature debate requires questions and answers with reasons, rather like turn based role-playing. As your method seems to be rather the same as my three year old would use; that is asking questions and when a perfectly reasonable answer is given not accepting it and merely asking again; that is why I made the big boys reference.


Learn to debate like an adult, get treated like one. Not too difficult is it. And for the record I am in no way shape or form an anti Theist, people may believe what they like, I only have one rule (which applies to myself as well) bring it to the public arena, be prepared to be torn to pieces. That is basically how peer review works, and that is why the scientific method works so well. You clearly don't understand this.


3. You asked for an answer to a question. I gave you one. I'm an atheist. I don't have a 'position', I was an atheist when I was born, just like my son and my dog are atheists now.My son may grow up and develop a position (he may become Theist or anti Theist) but atheism, as someone else has already pointed out is not a position.


IF God exists (and when correctly peer reviewed evidence appears to suggest he might I will start to accept the possibility that he does) I will accept that he may have done something to my benefit.


However based on the Biblical accounts it certainly won't be the God of the Bible. He was a right rotter.


It's not a two way street. We don't need to provide any evidence for things that don't exist. I've already explained that to you, you're doing that thing my little boy does again. If you, or anyone makes a claim that something that has no evidence exists (whether it be a deity or a new gas) it's up to you to provide evidence for it. No one has to provide evidence for things that don't exist or things that did not happen.


If I come out and say 'the flood never happened' I am responding directly to the claim that it did, therefore the lack of evidence FOR the flood serves as counter evidence that there wasn't one.


I wouldn't just make a claim for my made up gas.

I wouldn't just make a claim for a worldwide flood.

and IF there is a God he's so far removed from any scientific evidence whatsoever that I wouldn't make a claim that he existed.


In all the above cases anyone who makes such a claim has to provide the evidence for it. All three cases 'might' exist. But so might a car that doesn't rust, doesn't need fuel and emits a billion pounds from the exhaust pipe every time you drive it somewhere in the universe, without the evidence I'm not going to hold my breath about getting one.


Actually the above is a good point because it demonstrates how many Theists claim they have evidence. They will say 'israel is mentioned in the Bible and that exists so God must be true', likewise we know cars exist so my money emitting car also must be true. Do you see how crazy it sounds?


Btw, I don't like Richard Dawkins. I think he's spawned a million anti Theists who just copycat what he says in debate without researching things for themselves.


Okey I have a question for you. This isn't the new account for borderline is it because you have very similar styles of questioning while avoiding counter questions?

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Not really. I'd like you to all go and speak to people if you have a genuine interest. Go to Churches,Temples,Mosques,Synagogues speak to people,read the Bible, Qu'ran, Torah and then come to a decision.


So why do you want the thread closed? You posted it in black and white. The evidence is there, unless you're claiming someone else wrote it.


I've spoken with and worked with people of many faiths over the years - fair to say all day was not spent discussing religion, but it did crop up occasionally. Funnily enough, all the different theists had differing views of the world, which again, strangely, reflected those of their parents/culture.


As far as attending church is concerned, I went when I was in the cubs - you had to go for certain events. But even at that age, I saw it all as nonsense. Even then, I thought it strange that otherwise 'normal' people seemed to entre a fantasy realm when going through those big doors. Weird.


I'm an atheist, as were you when you were born, until someone taught you otherwise. I also read the bible in my teens - actually quite enjoyed it, but I recognise it for what it is - a collection of stories - many of them gruesome. And that's it. No 'word of God'. Just stories.

Edited by perplexed
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Far too many of the Atheist points to quote:


1. All I'm seeing are opinions


Wrong. I've given you sound scientific reasoning against the flood, and given you a link as requested. I've even told you were you can see the evidence for yourself. Are you going to have the courtesy to look at the evidence provided in my post (and in other peoples as well..)


---------- Post added 18-01-2016 at 10:08 ----------


Oh is that how it works now? You state reasons but just say "no need". I'll remember that when Teeny is barraged with "Link Please" or "Burden of proof".


Do you not see it's a two way street?


You think it's acceptable to quote out of context, draw a different light on whats placed and insult people?


How does that sit with "bear no false witness" then? ISTR that's part of some of your holy book and rather important.

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I think we have done the Noah's Ark story to death don't you? If Christians really can believe that 2 of every species managed to fit on one boat and none died or ate eat other (but had loads of incestuous sex in order to repopulate the planet) then there is little anyone can do to tale them out of it. Providing proof that something DIDN'T happen is nigh on impossible. Would love to see the counter-proof that it DID (and not in some made up book from 2000 years ago thanks).


But here is one thing that we DO know. It seriously makes you evaluate your own existence. And the question I'd really like an answer to from our Christian brethren is 'Why?'. If Earth and everything on it was created by a God for our benefit, what's with all the rest? What purpose does it serve? The key moment comes at around 2 minutes which neatly takes care of all other reasoning I have ever herd from Christians.


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