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St Agatha's mother and baby home


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On 10/11/2013 at 18:24, marguerite said:

hello, my name is marguerite. I was at st agatha's in 1964. Is any there anybody out there who was there the same time as me?


---------- Post added 10-11-2013 at 19:26 ----------



This place did exist as


I was staying at st agatha's in 1964, I had a son and had him adopted (no choice for me I' m afraid) l left in late May with some fond memories. X

Hello, my mother was there about the same time as you, just wondering if you remember any of the mothers names that you was there with?

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  • 1 year later...

I’m aware this a very old thread but I found it almost by accident I was in St Agatha’s in early 1974 I was taken there just after Christmas it was dire. I was up in the attic and a single room. I was expected to light Miss Affleck’s and take her breakfast in before I could have anything myself. I threw it at her one day. We all had to do house work and I mean scrubbing floors. Not light dusting.

I remember the chapel and being locked in because I questioned what was being said. When I realised I was causing trouble I really worked on it until they said they couldn’t handle me and I was sent home.

Best thing I ever did escaping. The cook was pleasant and the girls but I hated it. I remember a Zoe and a Margaret or Margarita but that’s all. I think looking back is was so frightening, away from home treated like dirt and a baby machine. I met a couple of potential parents before I left. They never even spoke or looked at me just wanted the baby. Needless to say I did say a few things none of them polite or complementary I just felt I had to fight to keep my child. I did he’s 57 now and we had a good life but hard. My parents let me stay at home but I had to keep him upstairs for a long time. I went back to work and he went to a childminder. But eventually things became easier my Dad softened and loved his grandson. So things worked out. The then system poisons your life and future relationships I will never be the person I should have been. But far worse for the girls who had to give up their babies.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I believe this is where my mother was sent when she was pregnant with me and before I was given up for adoption.  I was born June 1968.  I have since found my BM and we met once.  Sadly she died a few years ago before we ever properly got to know one another.  She wasn't able to give me any information about her time at St Agatha's.  I would be really interested in hearing people's experiences as I'm still trying to process a lot from the adoption even all these years later.


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3 hours ago, gerenargyll@me. said:

I believe this is where my mother was sent when she was pregnant with me and before I was given up for adoption.  I was born June 1968.  I have since found my BM and we met once.  Sadly she died a few years ago before we ever properly got to know one another.  She wasn't able to give me any information about her time at St Agatha's.  I would be really interested in hearing people's experiences as I'm still trying to process a lot from the adoption even all these years later.


I was also fostered out at 6 weeks old , It turned out OK and I was adopted at 11 years old . 

But in the back of of your mind the question as to who you are and where you come from never leads you , In my case I met my mother when she was 90 years old even then she said let sleeping dogs lie. 

My fathers family who ran a large haulage company on Richmond Road refused to have any thing to do with me , all I ever wanted was a photo of George Sherwood my father . Their loss I hope .

Any way thanks for posting on these threads , people do not realise how much early doubt in your life effects you .

Edited by cuttsie
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, I was born at St Agatha’s Sheffield in January 1971 I have a lot of missing information regarding my birth and where I was as a baby.  I have so many unanswered questions. Who fostered me and took care of me, was I taken care of well and who was feeding, changing and  bathing me? They would have been a stranger to me and they have stayed that way ever since! My world, as soon as I entered it, seemed to have been cold and hostile in those first years of life. My mum did eventually get me back, but I don’t know how long it took her or what she went through? I do know she was discharged home eight days after she gave birth to me, while she was there she was treated like a leper and had a traumatic labour and birthing experience. I also know I was going to be fostered out and was, I’m not sure how long I was in foster care , one, two or three years? I know that my birth certificate was written up and signed within days of being born. And I know my mum never got over what happened back then, the way she was treated and how she was made to feel,  effected us both for the rest of our life’s! It was a violation of basic human rights. 

I would really like to speak with any other mothers who went St Agatha’s or any babies that were born from mothers that went there. 

Sara x

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On 06/09/2023 at 12:11, gerenargyll@me. said:

I believe this is where my mother was sent when she was pregnant with me and before I was given up for adoption.  I was born June 1968.  I have since found my BM and we met once.  Sadly she died a few years ago before we ever properly got to know one another.  She wasn't able to give me any information about her time at St Agatha's.  I would be really interested in hearing people's experiences as I'm still trying to process a lot from the adoption even all these years later.


St Agatha's Home for Mothers and Babies was part of the Sheffield Diocesan Moral Welfare Council.

I was there from autumn 1964 to January 1965 and was made to give my baby up.

She has since found me but we were separated for more than 40 years.

We were put in the home when we were 7 months pregnant and then we had to look after our babies for 6 weeks. When they were 4 weeks old we had to dress them up and the prospective new parents came to look at them.

I gave birth to her at Chapeltown Maternity home and then went back to St Agatha's to look after her until she was 6 weeks old. I fed her, bathed her etc round the clock. We were taught how to feed, change nappies and everything. There was a nurse Henderson who taught us. Miss Binnington was always on hand to help us. Miss Affleck was the matron in charge. 

All the adoptions went through Sheffield Adoption agency. 

I had some good times there with the other girls but some sad ones too knowing I had to give her up. We were made to feel ashamed. If your parents wouldn’t let you take your baby home there was no help financially, we didn’t have a choice, we were forced to give our babies up. We were made to feel selfish if we wanted to keep our babies, they would tell us that babies should have 2 parents. 
I left her there one morning when the 6 weeks was up, my dad came to fetch me home and I was never allowed to talk about it ever again. It was so cruel. 

Edited by maggie1820
Missed something out
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12 hours ago, maggie1820 said:

St Agatha's Home for Mothers and Babies was part of the Sheffield Diocesan Moral Welfare Council.

I was there from autumn 1964 to January 1965 and was made to give my baby up.

She has since found me but we were separated for more than 40 years.

We were put in the home when we were 7 months pregnant and then we had to look after our babies for 6 weeks. When they were 4 weeks old we had to dress them up and the prospective new parents came to look at them.

I gave birth to her at Chapeltown Maternity home and then went back to St Agatha's to look after her until she was 6 weeks old. I fed her, bathed her etc round the clock. We were taught how to feed, change nappies and everything. There was a nurse Henderson who taught us. Miss Binnington was always on hand to help us. Miss Affleck was the matron in charge. 

All the adoptions went through Sheffield Adoption agency. 

I had some good times there with the other girls but some sad ones too knowing I had to give her up. We were made to feel ashamed. If your parents wouldn’t let you take your baby home there was no help financially, we didn’t have a choice, we were forced to give our babies up. We were made to feel selfish if we wanted to keep our babies, they would tell us that babies should have 2 parents. 
I left her there one morning when the 6 weeks was up, my dad came to fetch me home and I was never allowed to talk about it ever again. It was so cruel. 

Maggie,   that is so, so sad.  I should imagine deep inside it's something you'll never forget ......  like you said so cruel.  I feel for you.

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16 hours ago, maggie1820 said:

St Agatha's Home for Mothers and Babies was part of the Sheffield Diocesan Moral Welfare Council.

I was there from autumn 1964 to January 1965 and was made to give my baby up.

She has since found me but we were separated for more than 40 years.

We were put in the home when we were 7 months pregnant and then we had to look after our babies for 6 weeks. When they were 4 weeks old we had to dress them up and the prospective new parents came to look at them.

I gave birth to her at Chapeltown Maternity home and then went back to St Agatha's to look after her until she was 6 weeks old. I fed her, bathed her etc round the clock. We were taught how to feed, change nappies and everything. There was a nurse Henderson who taught us. Miss Binnington was always on hand to help us. Miss Affleck was the matron in charge. 

All the adoptions went through Sheffield Adoption agency. 

I had some good times there with the other girls but some sad ones too knowing I had to give her up. We were made to feel ashamed. If your parents wouldn’t let you take your baby home there was no help financially, we didn’t have a choice, we were forced to give our babies up. We were made to feel selfish if we wanted to keep our babies, they would tell us that babies should have 2 parents. 
I left her there one morning when the 6 weeks was up, my dad came to fetch me home and I was never allowed to talk about it ever again. It was so cruel

You are right Maggie – so cruel, so inhumane. Thank you for posting this/your reality.


I hope that "She has since found me..." indicates that the hurt has been alleviated to some extent.

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3 hours ago, horribleblob said:

You are right Maggie – so cruel, so inhumane. Thank you for posting this/your reality.


I hope that "She has since found me..." indicates that the hurt has been alleviated to some extent.

Thank you, people would find it hard to believe in this day and age that you were shut away like a criminal. Yes, the hurt isn't quite as bad, me and my daughter are very close, we have built up a lovely relationship. No-one can make up for the 40 years we were apart but it is what it is.  I'm one of the lucky ones, she found me. x

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