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C section questions

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for a woman to have a C-section could she have one on her due date or would she have to have one early?

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You have one before, to make sure you don't go into labour before they can give you one. I had to have one as I had pre E at 37 weeks, recovery is horrible tho and lasts for weeks, I didn't feel normal for 3 months after. I would never opt for one.

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I think this depends on the reason why the c-section is being performed. I know 3 people who have had planned c-sections in the last 2 years (2 different hospitals) due to the babies being breach and all had the sections at 39 weeks. Another friend had her c-section at 37 weeks due to her having twins and also having obstetric cholestasis. I will be having a planned c-section this time around (can't face the possibility of another emergency section like last time) and I expect this to be performed at 39 weeks. They generally don't like performing sections before week 39 unless there is a medical reason for it.


A friend of a friend was due to have a planned section at 40 weeks. However, this wasn't for any medical reason, but because of psychological fears of child birth. She ended up going into labour naturally before this date and had a successful natural delivery. So I think there are some occasions when they would plan the section at or around your due date.


Hope this helps. :)

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Thanks yes its been a great help, how long are you kept in hospital for after a C-section?

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I was in 4 days last time, but that was because of an infection... and I only managed to escape at that point because of being accepted as an outpatient at the Hallamshire for the rest of my treatment! It's usually 2 or 3 nights though going by all the other mums I know who didn't have any problems and also from when the hospital told me I would likely to be discharged last time.


I'm hoping to be in just 2 nights for this one as the docs are hoping to put measures in place to prevent an infection this time around - I have a history of recurrent infections though so not sure how successful this will be! :o


The recovery is hard but I've known others have harder recoveries after normal childbirth so there are no guarantees either way. My husband took 4 weeks off work after our daughter was born which was really needed. It would have been much harder otherwise!


Good luck with it all.

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I chose to have a section last year and baby was delivered at 37 weeks + 5 days. I was in hospital mon to midnight weds (I kicked off to go home, when they checked my notes I had been discharged at 4 that afternoon). I didn't find recovery difficult but my scar has been (or rather was) still sore. That's changed now, the scar abscesses last week, due to an in growing hair which must have been there last November. Alls fine again now. My (ex) partner had about a month off work too. Ostensibly to stop me doing anything I "shouldn't". All I can say is listen to your body. You'll know when you are back to strength. Good luck and congratulations

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at 40 weeks how much should a little baby girl weigh?



Sorry about these questions lol

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Only averages of course, but the following table should help you:




A baby could be less than 5 lbs or over 10lbs though.


I always thought that smaller women would have smaller babies, but my daughter was 7lb 15oz and I am only 5"1' and my sister-in-laws baby girl weighed 6lb 12oz and she is 5"11'! So it obviously doesn't work that way! lol

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My first child was induced and I ended up with failed ventouse and then forceps. I had stitches which became infected and I had not recovered some three months later. With my second pregnancy which was a twin pregnancy my waters broke at 35 weeks. I had a chord prolapse and was rushed into surgery for an emergancy section. I have to say that I recovered so much better and more quickly from my section than I did with my first pregnancy. Whatever you go for make sure its right for you.

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I have had 3 c sections, 2 classed as emergency after failure to progress and 1 a planned/elective section at 38 weeks. I found recover brilliant and fast compared to my one and only natural delivery and was up out of bed within 8 hours after the last one 3 yrs ago. i was home within a few days after all sections and didn't feel terrible at all. My friends, family and neighbours all helped with anything that they thought I may need and my Mom visited every single day for a week with my last one (coming to S8 all the way from Barnsley) bless her.

It all depends on personal circumstances and health but a c section should never be looked at or treated lightly and as others have said, listen to your body and take things at your body's own pace.

Good luck :)

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