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Dog problem. Try not to think im mad!

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My dog whom ive had for years and years has always been a laid back, steady sort of chap who only shows aggression when he needs to. Hes obedient, clever and loving but..................

Theres a room in the house he wont go in. He used to but over the last few weeks hes been behaving oddly. Whinging at night for no reason, growling and pacing around the living room. When i took him upstairs to check everything was ok he wouldnt go near one of the bedroom doors even though i opening it for him. I went in on my own and he went MENTAL!!

Now before anyone says anything i do not believe in life after death, ghosts, ghouls or god. So with that in mind does anyone have any ideas what could be causing his change in behaviour?

Thanks in advance :)

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I've found that dogs do things for a reason. Discovering what the reason is can be tricky though. What seems like nothing to you and I is a bigger deal for them.

Something has gone on in or close to the room that your dog has interpreted as a possible danger maybe or it has confused him and until he understands it he'll remain wary.


You need to convince him that there is nothing to fear and it might take a bit of time. Try feeding him near the room drawing him nearer and nearer each time, perhaps roll a ball through the open door or past it for him to fetch.


Work in the room with the door open so he can see you or sit down and read. Leave it to him to enter at his own pace and don't make an issue of it.


Just take your time.


That's all i've got :)

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Whinging at night for no reason, growling and pacing around the living room.


It could be his age and the onset of dementia. Those are the exact symptoms one of my dogs had - maybe take him to the vet, there are medications available that can slow the disease down.

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Debk has probably hit the nail on the head - it does sound very much like the onset of dementia. Vivitonin is one drug that might help slow it down but of course best to have a word with the vet.

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I've found that dogs do things for a reason. Discovering what the reason is can be tricky though. What seems like nothing to you and I is a bigger deal for them.

Something has gone on in or close to the room that your dog has interpreted as a possible danger maybe or it has confused him and until he understands it he'll remain wary.


You need to convince him that there is nothing to fear and it might take a bit of time. Try feeding him near the room drawing him nearer and nearer each time, perhaps roll a ball through the open door or past it for him to fetch.


Work in the room with the door open so he can see you or sit down and read. Leave it to him to enter at his own pace and don't make an issue of it.


Just take your time.


That's all i've got :)

Thanks for all that. Ill be sure to try everything youve suggested. Im certain itll be a big help

Thank you xx :)


---------- Post added 01-07-2013 at 22:38 ----------


It could be his age and the onset of dementia. Those are the exact symptoms one of my dogs had - maybe take him to the vet, there are medications available that can slow the disease down.


Debk has probably hit the nail on the head - it does sound very much like the onset of dementia. Vivitonin is one drug that might help slow it down but of course best to have a word with the vet.


Thanks. Ill make an appointment for the vet first thing. I do hope your both wrong but ill definitely tell the vet what you think :)


---------- Post added 01-07-2013 at 22:39 ----------


Ill post back tomorrow when ive taken my baby to the vets.

Thank you :)

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My comment refers to what you don't believe in so I won't say it ... Lets just say I had a similar problem and it wasn't a health issue !!


Well we are back from the vets, my baby had a great time. He was fussed by two people in the waiting room, the vet and even the vet receptionist got in on the act. He was like a pig in, well you know how the rest of that phrase goes :hihi:

The great news is he got a clean bill of health. Hes taken some bloods but he reckons its just a formality and we have nothing to worry about.

As for that thing i dont believe in? Im a little bit closer to not disbelieving in it. Im still not 100% convinced but last night he went mental. It scared me if im honest. He went so mad the next door neighbour came round and asked if he was ok. We was eventually but he still will not go anywhere near that room.

Dogs eh! :hihi:


---------- Post added 02-07-2013 at 10:03 ----------


Bless him, hope he's ok xx


Thank you for that :)

He got a clean bill of health from the vets thankfully.

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