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DNS Guru needed


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I've fouled something up in WHM/Cpanel, and made my domain vanish off the internet (by deleting my primary domain account (i.e the domain acting as server hostname as well)and then recreating it in WHM). I managed to get mail & ftp back for the domain (registered with 123) by reverting to the 123 dns servers and editing the entry directly to point at my WHM managed VPS,using the 123reg control panel.


So far so good, but the webserver seems to be recursively redirecting. I've done some basic intodns.com checks, but I can't work out what the screaming red warnings mean!


Any helpful experts (compared to me) in DNS and WHM/Cpanel out there who can help me troubleshoot and understand DNS a bit better, so I know what I'm doing next time?


DNS is all voodoo written in greek as far as I'm concerned.


Please help, I'm drowning.


If you do, I'll buy lunch!


---------- Post added 15-03-2013 at 11:52 ----------


So nocturnal DNS gurus are rare, what about you diurnal ones?

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