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Benefits capped but benefit bill set to rise over next three years!

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Its laughable and insulting to suggest that £140.00 a week solely to spend on food can only buy you a few scraps.


I get more than £140 a week from my own private pensions, plus interest from investments PLUS the State Pension when I get it. I grafted and was wise with my cash, it was hard earned. Shut up whinging and moaning. Get your head down, do a good days work 6 and 7 days a week and you may achieve the same. You have a lot to learn............if it ever sinks in.


---------- Post added 09-01-2013 at 01:56 ----------


But it was well paid work, you could afford the basics such as house, run a car, buy cigarettes, a few pints and the occasional holiday.


But this wasn't good enough so you spent the 80's and 90's on strike and the 2000's on dole until they reached 60 and could claim state pension.


Ha Ha Ha.....................you should be on the stage:hihi::loopy:

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Jumping through hoops is pointless though. And it costs money to make people do this unproductive economic activity, we need to employ an army of bureaucrats to do useless work. And stop people from looking for work, so that they can jump through hoops instead!


They should be encouraging work by making people better off for working in the first place. Simple as that.


EMTRs should be reduced to 50%!


I agree, but it does create jobs for the bureaucrats,

I would much rather see all unemployed people working, but every time Its suggested it on here they come out in droves complaining, apparently many seem to think work is the same as slavery.


---------- Post added 09-01-2013 at 07:52 ----------


So for every £1.00 you earn you loose 65p in benefits? No sane person is going to work part time for 35p in every pound they earn.


Unless the work is above a certain threshold then I'll just stick to cash in hand.


We need a Guaranteed Basic Income / Citizens Income like Chem1st mentioned.


Everyone starts off on a level playing field, workers are instantly better off without doing anything, and anyone out of work will always be significantly better off working regardless of their circumstances, and it'll save the public purse.


There must be plenty of insane people in that case because thousands work for no more than they could get in benefits; maybe this is why workers don’t like paying tax to support the lazy scrounging minority.


Thankfully the majority have some pride and want to work for their money as opposed to sit on their arse and have it handed to them on plate. Good job we have government that is making these lazy arses jump through hoops for their free money.

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I agree, but it does create jobs for the bureaucrats,

I would much rather see all unemployed people working, but every time Its suggested it on here they come out in droves complaining, apparently many seem to think work is the same as slavery.


---------- Post added 09-01-2013 at 07:52 ----------




There must be plenty of insane people in that case because thousands work for no more than they could get in benefits; maybe this is why workers don’t like paying tax to support the lazy scrounging minority.


Thankfully the majority have some pride and want to work for their money as opposed to sit on their arse and have it handed to them on plate. Good job we have government that is making these lazy arses jump through hoops for their free money.


Not everyone works for monetary gains, i do voluntary work because its a for a worthwhile cause project which I strongly believe in.


Except most of the indigenous white populous, all other people in UK will do manual menial type jobs if they're financially better off, some will be fooled by the spin on these rules but most others will simply learn how to jump through more hoops play the system and carry on working cash in hand.


---------- Post added 10-01-2013 at 08:01 ----------


I get more than £140 a week from my own private pensions, plus interest from investments PLUS the State Pension when I get it. I grafted and was wise with my cash, it was hard earned. Shut up whinging and moaning. Get your head down, do a good days work 6 and 7 days a week and you may achieve the same. You have a lot to learn............if it ever sinks in.


---------- Post added 09-01-2013 at 01:56 ----------




Ha Ha Ha.....................you should be on the stage:hihi::loopy:


It's pensioners who do the whinging and should be on stage, if they cannot feed themselves on £140 + per week with all their bills paid then there is no hope, they should take a leaf out of an immigarnts book and realise just how cushy and well looked after they're instead of biting the hand that feeds them. A lot of OAP's make me feel ashamed to be British.

Edited by Green Web
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Not everyone works for monetary gains, i do voluntary work because its a for a worthwhile cause project which I strongly believe in.


Except most of the indigenous white populous, all other people in UK will do manual menial type jobs if they're financially better off, some will be fooled by the spin on these rules but most others will simply learn how to jump through more hoops play the system and carry on working cash in hand.


How do you survive without money?

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GreenWeb, you have admitted in this thread to working 'cash in hand'.That makes you a scrounger and a freeloader. YOU are not paying your share. If I were you I would shut up, someone may know you and report you to the Inland Revenue. We who DID pay our way expect our just deserts.........

You will expect being supported in your old age, unless someone strangles you first.


Worra nob............

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They might not be being 'taxed', but withdrawal of benefits works in the same way as a tax.


If I give you £1000 a month, and then say for each £1 you earn, I will take £1 back. How would that affect your incentive to work?


If you earned say £900 a month after tax?


At the end of the day, we need to have fair taxes, a citizens income (to reduce poverty), and low effective taxes to stimulate work.


What about those in work who are not claiming benefits, should we pay them some benefits on top of their wage to equal things up with their newly employed colleague?


We don't need low effective tax rates to "stimulate work", we just need to stop the benefits of those who are not making a 100% effort to find work. That way "effective tax rates" are irrelevant.

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What about those in work who are not claiming benefits, should we pay them some benefits on top of their wage to equal things up with their newly employed colleague?


Aye. We should pay millionaires benefits, even the Queen.


An equal payment to all, for being citizens. With premiums for disability, old age, pregnancy and early years motherhood.


We don't need low effective tax rates to "stimulate work", we just need to stop the benefits of those who are not making a 100% effort to find work. That way "effective tax rates" are irrelevant.


Carrot is better than stick. Low effective taxes will create work. High effective taxes will dissuade people from working. You force people t work for little or next to nothing and you will create problems. Workers will sabotage the business and try to disrupt production. That is a stud way of doing business and creating work.

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Carrot is better than stick. Low effective taxes will create work. High effective taxes will dissuade people from working. You force people t work for little or next to nothing and you will create problems. Workers will sabotage the business and try to disrupt production. That is a stud way of doing business and creating work.


It's not forcing people to work for nothing, they work for their wages, same as everyone else. Lower or higher "effective taxes" will not create work, only the private sector creates work. The issue is those who have no intention of seeking such work as is available. You think we should bribe them to get off their backsides and seriously look for work, I think we just stop paying them if they don't. My ways cheaper, fairer and more effective.


As for workers then sabotaging business because they don't get wages and benefits, they'd get fired and not be entitled to any money from the state so they'd not actually do that.

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GreenWeb, you have admitted in this thread to working 'cash in hand'.That makes you a scrounger and a freeloader. YOU are not paying your share. If I were you I would shut up, someone may know you and report you to the Inland Revenue. We who DID pay our way expect our just deserts.........

You will expect being supported in your old age, unless someone strangles you first.


Worra nob............


You can expect your deserts but the fact is you're not gonna get'em.


When I'm on my death bed I'm not going to look back to 2013 and think I wish I'd had paid more tax, I'm gonna look back and think I'm so glad I used the money wisely and enjoyed myself.


It's everyone for themselves now, there is no reward for 'paying your way'


Oh and try not to resort to insults and silly threats if you've lost a debate, it's not only embarrasing but it makes your posts look even more silly.

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  • 1 year later...
It's not forcing people to work for nothing, they work for their wages, same as everyone else. Lower or higher "effective taxes" will not create work, only the private sector creates work. The issue is those who have no intention of seeking such work as is available. You think we should bribe them to get off their backsides and seriously look for work, I think we just stop paying them if they don't. My ways cheaper, fairer and more effective.


As for workers then sabotaging business because they don't get wages and benefits, they'd get fired and not be entitled to any money from the state so they'd not actually do that.


Lower effective taxes would create plenty of private sector work.


I don't think we should bribe people. What we should do is ensure they have incentives to work, by making work pay. Everyone agrees that people should be better off for working. For that to be the case, work must yield a financial reward. Lowering effective taxes is the way to do this.


You think we should force people to behave in a certain manner via threat of destitution, and with structural unemployment such a policy would create abject poverty, crime and cause no end of problems in our society.

It has been tried in the past, and it is not an effective way of creating employment. It is a very effective way of creating crime.

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