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Lance Armstrong drops fight against doping charges.


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Looking at this it seems usada are completely and utterly corrupt and once again utterly bias


I give up, it just gets worse, no thinking has gone into this at all


This might sound bad but I got to say it, he didn't make his illness up did he?...does anyone know who remembers at this time?


Was he generally ill?


He sounds a miracle man reading about him


To come back and compete after cancer is remarkeable. Who knows what he would have achieved had he rode clean.

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Do you know if he even had it?...i want someone's opinion who remembers his cancer battle at the time, where did he have treatment?


His cancer battle is remarkable, how he survived that and still stay cancer free is beyond me

Edited by Drone
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Do you know if he even had it?...i want someone's opinion who remembers his cancer battle at the time, where did he have treatment?


His lung and abdominal cancers were treated by Oncologist Craig Nichols at Indianlopis university medical center. His brain tumour was also surgically removed there by Scott A. Shapiro, Professor of Neurosurgery at Indiana University. I don't know which urologist removed his testicle, but that operation occurred in Austin, Texas.


Maybe you can contact the people who treated him?


His cancer battle is remarkable, how he survived that and still stay cancer free is beyond me


His disease had an estimated 40% survival rate, it's also worth noting Armstrong's fitness and his access to the best medical treatment in the world when taking his survival into account.


I'd speculate that he's not bothered about committing the biggest sporting fraud to date as he probably feels that he won bigger and more important battles in his life. It's a shame that he went down this road as he was a hero to an awful lot of people.

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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