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Published a Book?


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Had another radio interview this week, amber sound fm. It was quite weird though, I wasn't allowed to say where my book was on sale, mention my website or mention the names of anyone featured in the book. I was also asked not to swear, which was a fair point. I've done bbc radio derby and they actively mentioned the places that the book was on sale.






Still great publicity though.


I got asked to do a talk at my old school (my mum works there) but I chickened out. I'm just terrible at public speaking. I wish I had your gumption!


How do you go about approaching local radio about your book?

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Everythings been a bit convoluted really. I'll give a brief description of the process.

I initially decided, much against, a mate's advice not to do a mass approach to the local media, I felt that I needed to know that my book was 'good enough' to merit the interest. I suppose I was fearful that if it was crap, then I could get castigated in public.


I concentrated on some small scale local advertising which brought in people I know and those featured in my book, once I'd gotten some feedback I then went on overdrive contacting local mags/papers and radio. I got zero response.


The first break came when someone local who worked in telesales for the derby telegraph approached me and asked for a copy of my book to be reviewed by the paper it ended up as a full page feature in the 'bygones' section. The only problem was that it was released on bank holiday monday and my local newsagent told me that sales would be down because of that. I can only attribute 3/4 sales to that piece.


The Radio derby interview came about througn a mate of mine tweeting my book and website to his 'followers', one of whom was a presenter on the daytime show. I had about 20 minutes and worked out that I'd had approx 20 site hits and 2 sales as a result.


The amber sound interview came about from a local who's dad had bought my book and she then chased me down a street to ask me if I'd do an interview. I did this on Monday and it was supposed to air last night, but will now be next week.


Another friend who has read the book knew the owner of amber valley voice, a free adverts based local paper, who actually do a book review each month. This is due out next week and the lady who reviewed it has said that she loved the book, so I'm hopeful that this will get some sales, although it might not give me the break I need outside the local area. It does go to 4,000 local homes though.


My biggest area of sales has been the local pubs and newsagent, he's been brilliant selling at cost and refusing my offer of a percentage, he's sold approx 70which is great.


I think my lesson has been that its who you know and a lot of luck to get on the radio, rather than direct marketting. Poor sales resulting from my 'media appearances' have also been a bit of a downer, but very good for the old ego.


I've now had nearly 4,000 website hits, but they dont seem to lead to many sales, although I've done about 20 kindles, which must have come via the site. I joined the select thing at the beggining of the month and nothing seems to have come from that. It's not easy is it?


I'm still working on The Star and Rotherham advertiser to get some exposure, so we'll see how things go. Finally I firmly believe that the easiest part of selling a book is the writing it bit.




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Still great publicity though.


I got asked to do a talk at my old school (my mum works there) but I chickened out. I'm just terrible at public speaking. I wish I had your gumption!


How do you go about approaching local radio about your book?


Go back to the school and have a go, do a presentation rather than a speech, ie a projector that way the lights would be out and your initial nerves would disappear as it went along. Believe me, kids would be agood start and then onto the big kids.




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Gary's comments above, about how he went about getting publicity, certainly resonated with me.

I too have found this part of the process pretty daunting. Like Gary, I've been helped by knowing a few "right people" - not nearly enough, I might add, but at least a start.


I managed to get an article about my book into one of the local Sheffield glossy suburban monthly mags through a friend of a friend.


As far as the Sheffield Star was concerned, I'd been given the name of the appropriate journalist for my kind of book from one of the shop owners during my trips touting the book. I just plucked up courage the same day and walked into the Star office and asked to have a chat with him. He was really great with me and by the next day, they'd printed an article complete with photo! Perhaps it was my utter innocence, having never done this sort of thing before.


I also had a chat with the local library staff, who arranged for me to give a short talk about my book - a sort of low key "meet the author". I was pretty nervous of course, but am OK with knocking up a powerpoint show. As it turned out, I enjoyed myself and so, I think did all three of the audience! Still, I did manage to sell a copy there and then, so the success ratio was pretty high!


Because my book (about walks around the tram system) has a pretty limited potential audience, it may be that my "local" approach wouldn't be suitable for you. I'm not really familiar with all the internet methods of promoting a book. I've gone down a more traditional route and left that part to my publisher.

The only additional work I've had done is by my son, who set up my website for me below. I've no idea whether it's proved useful in promoting my book or not, but, like Gary says, some stuff is just great for your ego! Good luck with your book.



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Thanks guys that's really interesting to know for future reference. At the moment I don't think anything like that would be worth it - I've not written anything with any local connections so local people aren't really going to be my readers.


But if my writing ever gets more popular I'd definitely need to try out the media at some point so it's good to know how it works.


Good luck both of you. It sounds like you're doing well, keep plugging away!

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I'm a published author myself. . . and I really need change my username on here!


My novel is called The Reaper and is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-a-million, and iBooks.


I'll post the blurb here, as well as links for those who want them. Reviews would be greatly appreciated, but, if you don't want to buy a copy just to review, I can send a digital copy?


Okay, without further ado - here's the blurb;


Tobias Peters was human until the day he died, trying to save his best friend. Upon the moment of his death, an angel appeared and asked him a favor from God. "Become the Angel of Death." So begins Tobias's long journey through time until the day he falls in love with a mortal. They have a son together, but Tobias's wife is burnt at the stake for the crime of witchcraft and his son goes missing, lost in Time itself. Tobias is drawn to a young man named Harvey White. Together, they quickly discover that all is not well with the world. The Demons are trying to free Evuhl from its Seal, to bring chaos and destruction to the world. It is up to the Angel of Death to make sure that doesn't happen. Can Tobias really prevent innocent people from dying, all the while trying to work out just who Harvey really is? One thing is for certain-the world needs the Angel of Death now more than ever.


Amazon US link - for the UK version, obviously change .com to .co.uk




Good luck to all you guys who are just getting into publishing!

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Jamie - your book sounds really interesting! Good luck with it!


My book has been on a blog tour this week - lots of different blogs by reviewers who read my genre have hosted interviews, excerpts and giveaways. I've condensed it all into one blog post if anyone is interested in having a look. There's a good chance you could win a free ebook of The Blemished!



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I’m not replying to anyone in particular.

I’m now caught in two minds about this thread's primary purpose.

It has given me some great ideas in how to market my own book differently. I had been going down a very traditional route. It seems that using the latest technology more could be a serious option for me. So, in that respect, it’s been useful.

However, I do think that the thread is now being kept alive and being resurrected by a few contributors just to keep it on the radar. I do include myself as one of the “guilty” parties. The view count certainly continues to be healthy.

Maybe, I’m not assertive enough but I’m getting uneasy about playing this game any longer. So, although you can very fairly accuse me of, again, doing the very thing I’m complaining of, I’ve decided to call it a day on this thread.

So, thanks for all the advice and good luck to you all with your own little “babies”. Forgive me one last plug below. ;)



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I’m not replying to anyone in particular.

I’m now caught in two minds about this thread's primary purpose.

It has given me some great ideas in how to market my own book differently. I had been going down a very traditional route. It seems that using the latest technology more could be a serious option for me. So, in that respect, it’s been useful.

However, I do think that the thread is now being kept alive and being resurrected by a few contributors just to keep it on the radar. I do include myself as one of the “guilty” parties. The view count certainly continues to be healthy.

Maybe, I’m not assertive enough but I’m getting uneasy about playing this game any longer. So, although you can very fairly accuse me of, again, doing the very thing I’m complaining of, I’ve decided to call it a day on this thread.

So, thanks for all the advice and good luck to you all with your own little “babies”. Forgive me one last plug below. ;)




Why bother telling people that you are calling it a day?

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I recently joined this thread, indeed this forum, because I genuinely thought that I’d get some useful ideas about how to go about marketing a book. I have not been disappointed. I have learned several useful things from many of the contributors. So, I thank all of you for that.

I also believe that this particular thread is being been used increasingly and primarily for self publicity and, as I freely admitted in my previous post, I joined in. As I also stated before, I had become uncomfortable with that dual purpose. I do accept that it could well be me being too sensitive and not up to speed with using every opportunity available.

However, I wrote what I intended to be my final post, as an honest opinion of what I saw happening to the thread - something I saw as perfectly acceptable on a forum like this. I did also get in one last plug. Perhaps this was a little too cheeky for some.

I have no problem apologising unreservedly if anyone on this thread has taken offence at my opinions but given the nature of getting stuff published, I’d be surprised if we all haven’t had our egos bruised substantially more elsewhere. Perhaps also my approach has backfired with some.

I came in peace. I would like to leave in peace. I hope I have explained my motives. This forum is not for me.

I do sincerely wish you all luck with your projects. I will look out for your work in the future

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