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Beech Hill Nursery - OFSTED Report

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Hi All,


I have been to visit several nurseries around the S6 area and Beech Hill was the one that had the best feel for my partner and I. It seemed the most friendly, organised etc and all the kids looked happy and stimulated.


So we started reading some of the OFSTED reports (yawn!) of the few that we liked the most, but on the one for Beech Hill there were some actions set down by OFSTED. As I am not a teacher or childcare worker, I'm not sure how much these points should worry us, or how seriously we should take the actions, so Im looking for a bit of interpretation from someone in the know.



So the report (which was very good on the whole) read:


The provider confirms that the requirements of the compulsory part of the childcare register are : NOT MET (with Actions)


The provider confirms that the requirements of the voluntary part of the childcare register : NOT MET (with Actions)


The registered provider does not meet the requirements of the compulsory and or voluntary part of the childcare register.


To Comply with the requirements of the compulsory part of the childcare register, the registered person must :


Take action as specified in the early years section of the report (suitability and safety of premises and equipment 30/11/2011


To Comply with the voluntary part....the regsitered person must:


take action as specified in the child care register section of the report (arrangements of safeguarding children) 30/11/2011



Now im sure this probably sounds a lot worse than the language suggests, but anyone who can offer some clarification or interpretation would much appreciated.



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The school had obviously been given notice to improve. There were certain requirements that were not reaching a standard required by OFSTED. As OFSTED have allowed the school to carry on without been put in special measures then these issues will not have been too serious. OFSTED will reinspect at some point within a year of this inspection and check that the issues are being addressed.


Not a great deal to worry about. Go and speak to the Heads of these schools and allow them to explain what the issues were.

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The report tells you:


To meet the specific requirements of the EYFS, the registered person must:

keep a record of the risk assessment for the baby room, clearly stating when it was carried out, by whom, date of review and any action taken following any review or incident (Suitable premises, environment and equipment).

.... by 30/11/2011


To further improve the early years provision the registered person should:

make more effective use of the outdoors to explore the six areas of learning to extend children's individual learning build upon the links established with other settings providing for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage to ensure that the education provided compliments the education received at other settings.



The "must" is the compulsory part, and the "should" is the voluntary part.

Edited by cgksheff
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Firstly, an OFSTED report isn't that reliable a source - I've seen schools that should be outstanding marked as satisfactory and vice versa; it depends what they want to scrutinise, what the person inspecting is like/whether they are in a good mood on that day.


I did work experience at another 'hill' nursery in the local area a few years ago now - The staff were quite happy to talk to each other about how drunk and stoned they were in ear shot of the children - I'd personally avoid that one more so than Beech Hill...

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Cheers to all that replied.


@cgksheff I did see that in the report, but I wasnt 100% it was referring to those actions required at the end of the report. So I thought I would check anyway. Doesnt seem like there is too much to worry about with this one.


@Freudian Slap I am aware the accuracy of OFSTED can be shaky at best, hence why I went to see the nurseries first and spoke to other people I know that use the nurseries, but it does form part of the overall picture you build to assess the best option for your child.


Thanks Again



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