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General strike in Spain.

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March 10 - The CNT, Spain's anarchist labor union, issued a statement yesterday announcing that they will be convoking a nation-wide general strike for March 29 against the labor reform passed on Thursday by the Parliament.


This coincides with strikes that have already been called for Galicia and the Basque Country. In these regions the call was made jointly between "minority" unions such as the CNT and CGT as well as regionally-important unions linked to nationalist movements. On the national scale, however, the CNT has called the strike on its own.


This was called for earlier in the month.


With near-empty railway stations, shut factories, mass marches and occasional outbreaks of violence during a general strike on Thursday, Spaniards showed the first signs of rebellion against the reformist, austerity-preaching conservative government they voted in four months ago.


Police and pickets clashed in a handful of places, but it was a largely peaceful general strike in a country whose sinking economy, with 23% unemployment, has become the focus of worry about the future of the whole eurozone area


Spain was on general strike today.




Have you heard about the general strike?

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Guest sibon


Have you heard about the general strike?


Yes. The BBC reported it quite extensively.


One of quite a few. The World takes a minor shift.

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This was called for earlier in the month.




Spain was on general strike today.




Have you heard about the general strike?


I don't know much about Spain, other than it is much more expensive than it was when it dealt in potatas :)


People aren't liking having to give up riches are they?


Until we can compete with cheap Asian labour we're never going to employ masses of people in manufacturing. None of us [us, meaning rich countries].


People with brains saw this all coming as far back as the late 60s, early 70s. (maybe even earlier) - I'm just thinking of people that I know.

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Guest sibon
I don't know much about Spain, other than it is much more expensive than it was when it dealt in potatas :)


People aren't liking having to give up riches are they?


Until we can compete with cheap Asian labour we're never going to employ masses of people in manufacturing. None of us [us, meaning rich countries].


People with brains saw this all coming as far back as the late 60s, early 70s. (maybe even earlier) - I'm just thinking of people that I know.


Not so, Ash. We've not competed with these people for a long time. The trick is to offer something different.


Or, find someone poorer to exploit. No prizes for guessing which way we are heading.

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here comes the Socalist Worker's Party again - a bit of a misnomer this, as hardly any of them have actually done a real days' work in their lives.


it's not a General Strike anyway, General Strikes are exceptionally rare, anywhere in the world, but try telling that to the SWP mob. Co-ordinated industrial action, which is what this is, and defintely not a General Strike have little chance of success in a context of high unemployment, like Spain right now. Every informed Marxist-Leninist should be aware of this.

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Not so, Ash. We've not competed with these people for a long time. The trick is to offer something different.


Or, find someone poorer to exploit. No prizes for guessing which way we are heading.


Any suggestions to change the course?

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Guest sibon
here comes the Socalist Worker's Party again - a bit of a misnomer this, as hardly any of them have actually done a real days' work in their lives.


it's not a General Strike anyway, General Strikes are exceptionally rare, anywhere in the world, but try telling that to the SWP mob. Co-ordinated industrial action, which is what this is, and defintely not a General Strike have little chance of success in a context of high unemployment, like Spain right now. Every informed Marxist-Leninist should be aware of this.


Looks like a General Strike from this report. General meaning "quite a lot of the working population".

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Guest sibon
Any suggestions to change the course?


I'm not sure Ash. What I do know is that we all need wealth to be more evenly distributed. That probably means breaking open some of the structures that hold all the power at the moment. If we can stop the Unions funding Socialist parties and the wealthy funding the right wing parties, then we will make a great leap forward.

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I'm not sure Ash. What I do know is that we all need wealth to be more evenly distributed. That probably means breaking open some of the structures that hold all the power at the moment. If we can stop the Unions funding Socialist parties and the wealthy funding the right wing parties, then we will make a great leap forward.


re bold... pigs and flying come to mind. :hihi:

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Looks like a General Strike from this report. General meaning "quite a lot of the working population".


sorry but you just haven't got a clue. In real General Strikes, there's no transport AT ALL. No buses, trains, taxis, or planes, no nothing. This is not happening in Spain now. Nothing is printed. There are no newspapers. In real General Strikes, only two newspapers appear - the government one, and the trades union one. But I'd be surprised if El Pais doesn't hit the street tomorrow morning.


that's for the first couple of days, until the working class get it into their heads that they're not going to be dictated to by a bunch of Marxist numbskulls. When that happens, it'll blow over.

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