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Help from the ladies on here

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hi iv almost compleated my website for my mobile nail salon, and was wondering if someone could take a quick look.


i just want someone to check if its easy to navigate, and looks nice enough which is why i am asking for women only.


its not the one in my sig please pm if you can do this thanks

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Tch you! :hihi:


On this occasion, (I'm having a day off!) I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, but I can understand why it came across like that. :)


A close friend of mine is a Professor of Medicine, educated in Cambridge and has more degrees than a thermometer. But he's just not very good in terms of English grammar, punctuation, spelling etc.


He has another business on the side now that he's semi-retired and he asked me to review his new website recently. It was a mess tbh. Apart from the layout - which needed improving because content was missing or out out position on the page - not enough "white-space" - important content below the scroll bar etc - it had errors galore. It wouldn't have inspired someone to use his services.


So, that's all I meant really. Apologies to the OP if she thought I was having a pop at her spelling and punctuation. (Although if she looks at what she's put on here she'll see that this applies - as long as it doesn't apply to what she's put on her website she'll be fine I'm sure).

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I'd be happy to give it a glance over on the proviso any comments I make are taken constructively. I hate it when folk ask you what you think of something and when you reply, they go into defense mode. Pretty pointless reaction and people shouldn't ask if they only want to hear the nice stuff.

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I'd be happy to give it a glance over on the proviso any comments I make are taken constructively. I hate it when folk ask you what you think of something and when you reply, they go into defense mode. Pretty pointless reaction and people shouldn't ask if they only want to hear the nice stuff.


Very true indizine.


I worked in a large corporation (several large corporations actually) and many of them place a lot of emphasis on giving AND RECEIVING feedback.


There is nothing more valuable than honest feedback and we were taught that it is a precious gift, which it is.


However, there are 2 sides to it - giving it, in a constructive way and receiving it in a constructive way.


To receive it in a constructive way you have to listen and not interupt or start defending your position. Just let it wash over you and absorb it and learn from it. Then say "thank-you".


It doesn't matter whether you agree or not - that's not relevant. And don't ask for feedback if you can't take it properly.


A young guy on here was seeking feedback on his CV a few weeks ago. I offered to help. I made a number of comments and to the lad's credit he took it all the right way. He was keen to learn and he will. An open mind and a closed mouth isn't a bad combination when it comes to receiving feedback.

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thanks for the replies guys but someone is allready doing it, i wasnt after anything tech wise just if the layout was easy to navigate ect. im glad i asked tho as the main screen i look at is compleatly different to the screen my customers would see ie picture wise for some reason and a few bits dont seem to be where they should be lol.


and derby yes i admit i cant spell but microsoft word can lol so when im ready to launch the whole site will be copy and pasted to there, and i wrote my op after staring at pink writing for a few hours

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