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Is my kitten average or overweight? :(


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I have an 8 month old male kitten who has always been slightly chubby... however i have just weighed him tonight and he weighs 4.3kg!


We have some other kittens in the house who are my sisters, and her biggest (weight wise) is 4.3kg too! They are 1 month older than mine :(


Does anyone know if 4.3kg is overweight or average for him age? Also hes a short cat so he doesnt carry his weight as well as my sisters kittens who are all tall.



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and he's a kitten ! eek.


What breed is he ? Ours are around the 4kg mark, but they are all adults ... think Kinder was around 1.5 before he reached that weight. Guess they all vary tho.


Feargal our foster 'kitten' is a little porker, mainly because she is practically a house cat so doesn't get the same amount of exercise as our other cats ... she also eats non-stop.

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I think it really does depend on his breeding. Oriental type cats are usually slinky (although surprisingly dense and weighty for their looks) and 'cobby' cats are much dumpier in build, so if he's a mog and has Maine Coon, Persian or similar type build then he could just be naturally heavier than your sister's kittens.


Are your sister's kittens girls or a different body type? Either of those could account for why they weigh less.


Alternatively he could be a little gut bucket who has eating as a hobby, of course :)

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hes just a normal breed, a heins 57 my mums call him lol.


Her biggest is a girl (the one that mine now weighs the same as) she has 3 girls and 1 boy, and the 2 smaller ones are both female and weigh about 2.5kg (both small) and her boy weighs 3.9 kg... my kitten used to weigh same as him but not anymore :(


He loves eating, with a house full of kittens its hard to stop him eating as my sister feeds her seperate and my mum (who has 3 grown cats) feeds her seperate so theres always cat food somewhere for him to eat...



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If youre concerned about him looking fat, suggest checking with a vet. We adopted Sadie a couple of years ago as a young ex stray and she used to pig out so much, raiding he food bowls and hoovering the floor for biscuits. She got steadily bigger n bigger depite our trying to control her intake. At the age of four, she died suddenly: we found her in front of her favorite chair, she mustve stepped off it and died just before we got upstairs, poor baby. Probably her heart but without an autopsy we will never know but her weight would not have helped

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aww thats soo sad :(


He used to be a stray, we took him in at 8 weeks old when his stray mum was killed by idiots :(


Ive stopped his treats as of this morning! and making him do abit more running around as hes quite lazy sometimes!


I think i'll ring vets in morning and hopefully get him sorted! :)



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The important thing to remember is that few cats stuff themselves until they are ill and he's still a kitten, so restricting his diet is not really a good plan.


Get him on a good food and work out how much you should be feeding him for his weight and then compare that with how much he's eating at the moment. If he's troughing at other bowls then obviously you can't know exactly, but the vast majority of cats who are put on a good quality dry food will regulate their own diet and not get fat.


Worry about him when you know you have something to worry about ;) he may be just fine :)

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We thought that about Sadie Medusa: all our cats are on Royal Canin Sensible 33, no cheap sugary salty wet food or brekkies but even so, she still never stopped troughing it or stealing it from our other cats and there was nothing medically wrong with her, she just ate to excess, so you do sometimes get the exception

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I do understand that there are cats who have eating as a habit, but without having been starved (8 weeks is early enough that he probably won't remember it so it's unlikely to be causing him to pig out constantly) there are very few who do and I think 8 months is too early to be fretting about it and possibly restricting his diet without knowing whether he's just a big lad.

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