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Forge Valley Uniform

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I went to pick up my daughter's uniform from the uniform stockist at Crystal Peaks & the skirt & trousers were a light grey but in the uniform update information sheet from school it lists the trousers/skirt as charcoal grey.

Has anyone else bought the ones from the stockists & if so are they charcoal or light grey? I have bought my son's trousers from elsewhere & these are charcoal grey which is a lot darker than my daughter's skirt. The staff at the uniform supplier said they would be ok but I will be a bit miffed if they turn out to be the wrong shade of grey as they are no way near charcoal.

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hi. i got my daughters trousers from the stockist in crystal peaks market and they are also light grey but they said they were right ones.....you got me wondering now, i guess loads of people will have got from there so they will all have same grey so i not worrying about it, i still have to buy black trainers with no logo on (thats proving difficult) and school shoes

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I gave up trying to get black trainers as I was told that if they had any logos or stripes etc I would be expected to colour them in with a black marker pen! There is no way I'm buying trainers to colour them in so they've both got plain leather shoes, much to my son's disgust.

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I gave up trying to get black trainers as I was told that if they had any logos or stripes etc I would be expected to colour them in with a black marker pen! There is no way I'm buying trainers to colour them in so they've both got plain leather shoes, much to my son's disgust.


i mean for pe though i didnt realise buying somit without any logo at all was going to be so hard. i would keep your daughters trousers cause i recon they will be alot with same colour gray :)

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have they got to have black trainers for PE? I thought they could have any kind of trainers for PE but plain black for day to day schoolwear. Now I'm totally confused.:roll:


just been and looked through all my paper work and i think your right it just says trainer, sorry for the confusion, does that mean trainers can have logos on?

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I thought it was only the ones they wear to lessons that have got to be plain black & any others are ok for PE. I've also checked through the paperwork and it doesn't specify anything for PE so I'm not sure. I'm not going to buy them any new trainers for PE & I'll just wait & see what is said in September. NO doubt there will be a few letters going home about what is ok & what is not.:confused:

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hi i got my son's uniform from school, but went to the shop to get another pair and the ones in the shop where a lighter grey, the ones from school were charcoal grey, so i asked if the ones were forge valley ones, wasnt happy with the ones from the shop so decided not to get any

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