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Tesco job guarantee scheme

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I think you have to live within a 3 mile radius ( but dont quote me) as Ghostrider said its a scheme for the unemployed they are recruiting half the staff needed in this way and the other half is via online applications open to everyone which is likely to be in September. You have to first ring the phone number given, book your place, attend an open day, attend a 3 hour session at jobcentre to help you fill in the application, then if youve attended the open day and the skills session and are eligible you get an interview with Tesco ( the jobcentre certainly make you jump through hoops). I have been trying all day today and yesterday to get through but no chance it does state the lines may finish early if all the places are filled so I may be one of the unlucky ones.

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It will be great to see the hundreds of jobs Tesco will create, for a short while anyway. The government incentives will be cashed in so they employ loads of people and then start to turn the screws until a handful remain. You will be subject to a disciplinary system so severe that people will be jumping like lemmings out of there. The USDAW union it runs doesn't say anything and is completely boneless.


I am going to vote with my feet and not go there at all. I invite everyone to do the same thing on the morning of its opening day. None of the profits made here will be seen in Sheffield with the parched council swallowing up the rates and rent. It will be a bad time for small city businesses that rely on the Sheffield peoples custom with many more losing their jobs that the supermarket will ever create.



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Hadron, how can them employing half their store staff from unemployed people in the local area be described as not giving anything back to the community. Better for those long term unemployed to staff on the dole then?


Unfortunately it is inevitable that they will steal business from local shops but people seem very happy to use tesco and you chosing not to isnt going to keep an overpriced local shop in business.

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I can see where you are coming from kevinyork. It is great that a National company like Tesco can employ local people than have spent a long time unemployed.


I hope they also put in place measures to secure their employment as being without work for that length of time will imply they have some individual needs.


If Tesco's prove they can be human then I am sure it will be accepted. Become the machine it is known to be then a machine it will be treated like.

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