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Warning: Attacked by shop lifter- beware!

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I want to put a warning out to all business's in Sheffield about a man who I caught stealing yesterday in my store, who then assaulted me.


I Spotted him on my camera filling his bags with goods. I confronted him and told him to put everything back.

When I asked to check his bag after, he refused to let me look and got very agressive and threatened to smash my door down (I had locked the door to prevent him from bolting). After asking him again to either let me check his bag or I would call the police, he grabbed me by the throat, slammed me against the wall, and threatened to smash my teeth down the back of my throat if I did not open the door.


I let him go, and having checked upstairs after, he had taken 3 pricey items, in which I called the police and they never came (thats another story!)


This man is violent and admitted to me that he had been stealing from stores all day long and did not want me to see what he had in his bag. His carrier bag was bulging so I can imagine he had done quite a lot of shop lifting during the day. I am on the moor area, the man looks as follows:


Between 5'7 and 6 foot


Long black dreadclocks tied back

Cap on when he came into store

track suit attire

South London accent


Once again he got away with it, I ended up at a loss and with a bruised neck. Every time I have trouble I am going to post on here, hope I get feedback as to weather anyone else has had trouble, also to make people aware of him if he enters your stores

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thats shocking,thank god it didnt end much worse..you was right to let him go.you could have paid by having your life taken .but fortunatley that didnt happen,im sorry to hear that you was assaulted and i hope this criminal gets brought to justice.. the thieving scum.

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"Between 5'7 and 6 foot


Long black dreadclocks tied back

Cap on when he came into store

track suit attire

South London accent".


Given your description it shouldn't be difficult to find him even though you haven't mentioned his age but how do you know he has a South London accent? I can never tell the difference between accents from different parts of London.


Why don't you post the film you have on the net - Youtube, say - and force the police to so somehting? The Star often has CCTV pictures of alleged shoplifters. You could try them too.

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Age, good point! I would say between 30-35.


His accent was raw cockney accent, easily reckognisable. I unfortunatly don;t have a camera system that records, Im working up to that its a case of affording it. when police do come as I did make a comlaint about then not bothering to show, there is cctv at the top of the road so I will ask them to check it. Thank you for your pointers. Very useful xxx

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