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Rubbish at Rother Valley

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what spoils rother valley is all the chavs and wannabe gangstas razzing round in their poxy 1.2 litre cars with a loud exhaust! we were there cycling on friday and the amount of these drinking and smoking dope with the car stereo blaring out was disgusting. it just spoils it for all. they need to police it far better.


Could'nt agree more.

I went the other week with my little boy and other half. It's gone down hill, it's not like it was when my dad used to take me when I was little, which I have to admit was quite some years ago.

Cars parked up with brainless chavs sat beside them drinking, smoking and shouting obsenaties to the passing groups of equally chavy lasses :gag:

Then leaving all their bloomin rubbish behind. I don't think it would be hard for Rother Valley to keep them out. Could'nt they just report the reg numbers of the cars to the place where you pay to get in, and then they could just refuse admission if they refuse to pick up their crap.

I can say I don't think I wil bother returning to Rother Valley again.

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I was cycling there around 8.30 this morning and could not believe what I was seeing, there was refuse strewn every where, one use BBQ's, bottles, plastic bags, food, even a couple of pairs of knickers.

So sad to see such a great place ruined by a collection of tramps.

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But people keep going back there and all the time that happens it wont change. Who runs it, is it council owned or what?


edit: take photos and send them to newspapers explaining the problem. We complain to the wrong people in this country and that's if we complain at all.

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I tried going down there today to take my daughter on her bicycle. At 2pm, cars were queuing to get in from McClure's timber yard. Tried going in via the back entrance but that was equally packed solid so called it a day.


All those cars charged at £3 each, you would think they could afford a few litter pickers and a couple of cops on overtime to clean up the breathing filth.

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I agree that people should pick up their litter. Only the other day I saw two children having a cornetto ice cream and they dropped the paper from it on the ground. The mother didn't pick it up and she didn't ask the children to pick it up either, even though there was a bin near them.

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Went Saturday about 3pm and the place was already full of chavs drinking and playing football next to parked cars.


I don't know why the management allow gangs of youths in - they just deter the more law abiding citizens from visiting (and removing their own rubbish!)

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Went Saturday about 3pm and the place was already full of chavs drinking and playing football next to parked cars.


I don't know why the management allow gangs of youths in - they just deter the more law abiding citizens from visiting (and removing their own rubbish!)


Oh great!


I go quite regular but have to say I havent been since the weather has picked up so not had the pleasure of their company and tbh I probably won't go now till the weather takes a turn for the worse (coz the chavs and dheads don't come out then).


Its a shame really as I love the walk around there.

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