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Do you know where your wife/husband really goes?

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My friends wife goes out twice a week with a male friend, my friend trusts his wife 100%. I on the other hand think its strange, it's the way he ( the male friend) looks at her what makes me question it. But I think my friend believes its him she comes home to each night, so why question it? :loopy:

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My boyfriend and I have been together over three years. I won't say it has been easy cos it hasn't and we have gone over a load of hurdles. But I do believe we have complete trust on both sides. We both leave our phones laying about and in fact we do use each others phones at times so would have complete access to anything dodgy. I for one don't bother looking because I don't think he has anything to hide. I believe you have to trust until that trust is broken. I have been hurt and betrayed many times in the past but it doesn't stop me from learning how to trust someone else. We both have friends of the opposite sex but I would not dream of having a night out with another man even if it is innocent. Sometimes friends drop in for coffee but that is normally when they want to poor out their troubles, but my boyfriend is normally there.:)

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It is still going on! the fact it is so obvious is embarrassing!

Its good that you have learnt to trust again sacredearth, because I know how hard it is to trust again when a trust has been broken. Good luck to you.


Life was so much easier before Email and Mobile phones!

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Originally posted by ginge

Life was so much easier before Email and Mobile phones!


Afraid so... gone are the days when it was easy to get away with it :hihi:


I found out i was being cheated on by reading her diary. I feel ashamed for doing so but after what she did I guess it isnt so bad. She always used to write it infront of me and ask me about spellings etc, then when it stopped, the phone kept going off and i wasnt allowed near it, she was always meeting "amy", msn messenger no longer kept records of conversations and she just wasnt herself.

Turns out she had several guys on the go and hated me....:confused:

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Originally posted by Craigy

Afraid so... gone are the days when it was easy to get away with it :hihi:


I think it may be the other way round to be honest.


With email and mobiles you can continue a relationship with only very limited occasions when you could actually be seen together.


Not that I speak from personal experience of cheating of course....

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