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Any recommendations for PS2 games?


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I have just been given one and any recommendations would be welcome.

I would like a first person shooter and a space shooter if possible with Resident Evil looking like one, but there seem to be four in that series, are they roughly the same with the later ones being more 'polished'?

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There's a number of different Resi Evils liek you say, the first couple are for PS1, the other's are in teh same sort of fixed camera view but with updated graphics, but 4 is third person. I've only played 1 and 4, both are good but for PS2 you want to be getting 4, one of the best games you can get for it tbh, and the only game apart from Uncharted 2 on PS3 that I've completed 3 times in quick succession as I enjoyed it that much.


In terms of FPS, Black is a must have, a superb shooter with amazing graphics and effects for it's time. Red Faction, Half Life and any/all of the Timesplitters games are great too.


I'd also reccommend:


Red Dead Revolver, a little-known game that was the one before the recent Red Dead Redemption


Secret Weapons Over Normandy, a very good WWII flying game by the great Lucas Arts


Any of the Burnout series, especially Burnout 3 and Burnout Revenge


GTA 3/Vice City/San Andreas, can't beat a bit of GTA :D

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