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Did we miss the last bus ?

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In 1971 I left Sheffield to go to to Manchester University. One of the big differences I noticed was that Manchester city centre was still busy and vibrant into the early hours, whereas Sheffield shut down once the last bus had gone, except for the few stragglers.


I rarely bothered with the bus, I preferred the 40 to 45 minute walk home.


Do people remember special later buses? I can't remember them properly, or whether this was the 70s or 80s, but they were a combination of several routes and ran a long circuitous course - something like 52 from town to Crookes, then partway back as if a 95, then out to Middlewood as an 82 - this isn't a real route, just to try and explain the idea. They took ages to get home if you were at the end of the route, but it was an option. I presume there were similar combinations to other areas of the city. Does anyone remember the details?


btw. Great video of the "Le Mans Start" at the bus station.

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So, you'd be down at the City, dancing with the girl of your dreams, 'Can I take you home?' You'd murmer. If the answer was in the affirmative, you'd both head for Pond St and what was probably the last bus. If the girl had a streak of human feeling, and she lived at Woodhouse or somewhere on the edge of the known world, she'd ask you if you really wanted to take her home. 'Oh yes' you'd reply.

And there you were, later, navigating by the stars, toward Pitsmoor. Man, did I walk from some outlandish places back in the 50's, Crosspool, Greenhill, Gleadless, Woodhouse and more. Got stopped a few times by the cops too. 'Where have YOU been' they'd say, 'Taking a girl home', I'd say. 'And where do YOU live', they'd say. 'Pitsmoor', I'd say. They'd usually give me a pitying kind of look, but never did they give me a lift. Once, at the top of City Road, they slewed their car across the pavement. Four of them got out, witn two dogs. We went into the routine as usual and while we were talking I fondled one of the dogs ears. 'You want to be careful pal', said one of the coppers, then they took their leave. I think the dog enjoyed it though.

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Do people remember special later buses?...
Yes - there were several different routes, and as you wrote they were circuitously designed to cover as many areas of Sheffield as possible. They ran until well after 1 am and higher fares were charged. Some of the early morning buses started around 3 to 3-30 am so it was pretty close to a 24-hour service. There used to be late night trams as well, but I can't remember those. Honest I can't..:P
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So, you'd be down at the City, dancing with the girl of your dreams, 'Can I take you home?' You'd murmer. If the answer was in the affirmative, you'd both head for Pond St and what was probably the last bus. If the girl had a streak of human feeling, and she lived at Woodhouse or somewhere on the edge of the known world, she'd ask you if you really wanted to take her home. 'Oh yes' you'd reply.

And there you were, later, navigating by the stars, toward Pitsmoor. Man, did I walk from some outlandish places back in the 50's, Crosspool, Greenhill, Gleadless, Woodhouse and more. Got stopped a few times by the cops too. 'Where have YOU been' they'd say, 'Taking a girl home', I'd say. 'And where do YOU live', they'd say. 'Pitsmoor', I'd say. They'd usually give me a pitying kind of look, but never did they give me a lift. Once, at the top of City Road, they slewed their car across the pavement. Four of them got out, witn two dogs. We went into the routine as usual and while we were talking I fondled one of the dogs ears. 'You want to be careful pal', said one of the coppers, then they took their leave. I think the dog enjoyed it though.


Flippin-heck, that brings back memories,

why on earth did they all seem to live at the other side of town...

Still it kept you fit and you could feel relieved if they didn't turn up for the date.

Though in most cases they may have but I couldn't remember what they looked like.....

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