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Does anybody know anyone that can help me out with SEO or know of any companies in Sheffield that could help me out with SEO for my website?


I feel like I've taken the site as far as I can SEO wise and don't really know what more I can do to climb Google.


I'm only a student and can't afford a lot of the services that are available, even the cheapest ones! I understand SEO is a time consuming service and a costly one which is why it's so difficult for me to take the next step.


Or if anyone knows of any seminars or lectures about SEO?

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SEO needn't be costly and is not a rocket science but it is a skill learned over time much like anything else really. A couple of hours a week committed to your website optimisation every week for a year can have excellent results. It's actually pretty tedious stuff. People don't want to pay but they don't want to have a go at doing it themselves even when instructions are laid out before them.


You don't have the money to pay for it, so work out how many hours per week you are willing to commit to learning and doing more yourself. All the info is actually out there on the net. Only tactics and strategies of SEO's is for obvious reasons, are kept secret. But basic optimisation procedures is common knowledge on the internet. Your meta tags can still be improved - that's a very fundamental thing and is core to success, as is keyword research and keyword link building, not just any old link building.


However, you haven't had this site up long so it's really way too early to be seeing the results of your efforts just yet. It's a slow plod job, not an overnight thing - slowly, slowly, catch the monkey.

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Does anybody know anyone that can help me out with SEO or know of any companies in Sheffield that could help me out with SEO for my website?


I feel like I've taken the site as far as I can SEO wise and don't really know what more I can do to climb Google.


I'm only a student and can't afford a lot of the services that are available, even the cheapest ones! I understand SEO is a time consuming service and a costly one which is why it's so difficult for me to take the next step.


Or if anyone knows of any seminars or lectures about SEO?


try here https://yandh.regionalknowledgesystem.com/EDMSPortalWebsite/ClientApps/Silverbear.Web.EDMS/public/default.aspx?tabid=36&id=7199&p=&orgId=1&guid=0d787caa-969b-40dd-a474-b910edc77c2a

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Does anybody know anyone that can help me out with SEO or know of any companies in Sheffield that could help me out with SEO for my website?


I feel like I've taken the site as far as I can SEO wise and don't really know what more I can do to climb Google.


I'm only a student and can't afford a lot of the services that are available, even the cheapest ones! I understand SEO is a time consuming service and a costly one which is why it's so difficult for me to take the next step.


Or if anyone knows of any seminars or lectures about SEO?


Buy "SEO for dummies"; it is the basis of all the SEO work we do for clients these days...best £20 you'll ever spend!

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<title> Spy Pens - Hidden Cameras Spy Gadgets Online</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<meta name="description" content="" />

<meta name="keywords" content="" />


<h2>Spy Pens</h2>



I don't think you have checked your site recently. I would go over your site again and look at the meta info and the header tags to start with. You then need to add more content containing your keywords.

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Does anybody know anyone that can help me out with SEO or know of any companies in Sheffield that could help me out with SEO for my website?


I feel like I've taken the site as far as I can SEO wise and don't really know what more I can do to climb Google.


I'm only a student and can't afford a lot of the services that are available, even the cheapest ones! I understand SEO is a time consuming service and a costly one which is why it's so difficult for me to take the next step.


Or if anyone knows of any seminars or lectures about SEO?


You need to add keywords, also a different description on everypage, if you use the same description, the search engines will treat the pages as duplicates and you will lose rank points. Also you have a lot of white space in the body section. Also a sitemap.xml and robot.txt would be nice, as mentioned above, google webmaster tools can prove to be invaluable at times.

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When you say add keywords, I assume you mean in the meta tag? If so, I'm being told that Google no longer looks at the keyword Meta tag data for SEO purposes focusing more on site optimisation (keyword density) and the quality and relevance of in bound links (but of course it will do no harm putting keywords in the Tag).


Anybody got any views on this?

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When you say add keywords, I assume you mean in the meta tag? If so, I'm being told that Google no longer looks at the keyword Meta tag data for SEO purposes focusing more on site optimisation (keyword density) and the quality and relevance of in bound links (but of course it will do no harm putting keywords in the Tag).


Anybody got any views on this?


Hmmmm, I use google webmaster tools and analytics for my websites optimisation, every month they display the relevance of the keywords I am using in my meta tags, according to the number of searches performed, and click throughs. I then replace the keywords that are not performing well, or, just add keywords that are performing better according to google's keyword research tool. :)

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When you say add keywords, I assume you mean in the meta tag? If so, I'm being told that Google no longer looks at the keyword Meta tag data for SEO purposes focusing more on site optimisation (keyword density) and the quality and relevance of in bound links (but of course it will do no harm putting keywords in the Tag).


Anybody got any views on this?


Google has not paid much attention to the meta tags for a while as people used to spam them to try to unfairly influence rankings.


That said it may not be a total waste of time to use meta tags as I believe bing uses them and some meta tags such as the meta description tag are still useful as it can sometimes be used by google when displaying results.


it might be an idea for the OP to head over to one of the dedicated SEO forums. I use sometimes read one called seo chat just google it, it should come first if you search for seo forums.

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