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The God Virus..

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You can say what you like, I don't mind you calling me donut if it makes you giggle.


Ok, so Huntley is a paedophile, whats the difference, theres still plenty on here that will argue that he's merely suffering from a condition that attracts him to children.. doesn't alter the fact that he's a psychotic nut case and a menace to society. I actually remember the case well, everybody wanted the girls to turn up safe and well, but they didn't. Because they were tricked into a false sense of security by someone they thought they could trust, although the benefit of hindsight now shows us that they obviously couldn't.


He wasn't psychotic, you need to stop using terms that you clearly do not understand. You remember the case, you mean you do now you have read the link I posted.:rolleyes:


They were taken in by a sick minipulating child killing peadophile that even volunteered to help thier family and friends search for them. When the truth was revealed, everybody felt sick to the stomach, we all wanted those girls to turn up safe and well. But I don't see why Grahames comments have gotten you so wound up, it's seems as though you're attempting to attach the public anger about this case to Grahames comments. Why should Grahame feel guilty for making comments that have hit raw nerves, you can't blame him for the way you've taken it, don't be so small minded.


The only thing that has hit a nerve is his 'belief' that they are in some way to blame as they are NOT innocent and they didn't have to get in the bath.


Parents are continually drumming it into thier kids NOT to talk to strangers, or put themselves into situations that they may not be able to get out of, so yes, children are to some extent aware of the dangers. No child should be entering someones house without thinking what thier parents have constantly warned them, but they did, they made a fatal error of judgment, and they were killed. But warning our kids about the dangers won't prevent children being raped and murdered by devious minipulating monsters.. yes, I know I shouldn't call him monster, it's not his fault he likes killing children is it.. forgive me!.



Huntley was not a stranger as I have already pointed out. He is a monster and it his HIS fault. I can't see anyone stating, other than you and Grahame, that he is not 100% culpable.


You are a prize donut, it doesn't make me giggle just rather sad that adults can take such a view point and seek to defend what Grahame believes in this case.


Do you have children of your own by the way?

Edited by Zaytsev
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The children cannot be held responsible for anything other than being naive and too trusting and assuming they had been given advice, and most ten year olds have, then they should have heeded that advice and it is very unfortunate they appear not to have done.



So it's their fault?

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Hey cut it out. Who are you calling homosexual?


Me .... Well someone had to .. ? The anglican church has given way, the pope watches german blue movies on popetube. Every belief has moved from the original word.. Thank God (whoever it is or isn't) God is dyslexic it's actually Odg the overlord of corned beef tin cuts.. :huh:

Did you put yourself forward to stand on speakers corner by any chance grahame ?:huh:

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You can say what you like, I don't mind you calling me donut if it makes you giggle.


It's not about the name donut being funny. Your statement below shows it's true!


Parents are continually drumming it into thier kids NOT to talk to strangers, or put themselves into situations that they may not be able to get out of, so yes, children are to some extent aware of the dangers. No child should be entering someones house without thinking what thier parents have constantly warned them, but they did, they made a fatal error of judgment, and they were killed. But warning our kids about the dangers won't prevent children being raped and murdered by devious minipulating monsters.. yes, I know I shouldn't call him monster, it's not his fault he likes killing children is it.. forgive me!.


These people weren't strangers to those kids. They were supposedly trustworthy members of the community that were known to the two girls and if you knew about the case, as you claim you do, then your above statement is totally irrelevent.

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He wasn't psychotic, you need to stop using terms that you clearly do not understand. You remember the case, you mean you do now you have read the link I posted.:rolleyes:
No, I actually remember it. You're very bitter aren't you!!.




The only thing that has hit a nerve is his 'belief' that they are in some way to blame as they are NOT innocent and they didn't have to get in the bath.

This would have been beyond thier controll I would imagine, i'm at a loss with this comment.





Huntley was not a stranger as I have already pointed out. He is a monster and it his HIS fault. I can't see anyone stating, other than you and Grahame, that he is not 100% culpable.

Not sure how you've arrived at this conclusion, niether myself nor Grahame have stated any such thing.. are you delusional??.. or do you just enjoy a good old fasioned whitch hunt.?


You are a prize donut, it doesn't make me giggle just rather sad that adults can take such a view point and seek to defend what Grahame believes in this case.




It's not a case of defending it, from my interpretation of his comments, he didn't state or imply anything that you're accusing him of, so theres nothing to defend, you're just fueling the fire.. as always.


Do you have children of your own by the way?

Did you not read my previous response to you?? Edited by danot
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It's not about the name donut being funny. Your statement below shows it's true!




These people weren't strangers to those kids. They were supposedly trustworthy members of the community that were known to the two girls and if you knew about the case, as you claim you do, then your above statement is totally irrelevent.

I do remember the case, and i'm aware of the circustances leading up to thier murders. Yes, they were known to the girls, and yes, they were lured to thier death. But why didn't thier parents know where they were going that evening??.. Why didn't they tell thier parents?? This is what I believe Grahame comments are relating to. He's not blaming them or saying they asked for it.. you lot just want to believe that.. for some reason it's become a pleasureable pass time for some of you.
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