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Windows Updates - install or not?


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Fair points waddler8.

In my case my PC is also used by the rest of the family who wouldn't have a clue what to do if the system popped up a question about updates at them.

At best they would accept, but then I probably wouldn't get to know there had been an update, so wouldn't think to eliminate it from the equation should I start getting problems.

At worst they would reject it and then I'd have fun trying to persuade Windows to take it at a later date.

Considering the pros and cons, I'd rather retain control of what is going onto my PC, and if it means I'm a week or two behind occasionally, so be it. We practise safe computing, have decent anti-virus/malware and a hardware firewall, and thats a risk I'm prepared to take, but can understand why others may choose another route.

Each to their own!

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