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Is this correct?

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If you've paid a 'full stamp' fo the previous year, you are eligible to claim JSA fo yourself.


This is right, as when I was out of work when expecting my 1st child, my partner was in full-time work (we lived together), but I qualified for 'Contributions-Based JSA' for 6 months maximum. This was as ai had worked enough and paid enough NI in previous months, and was regardless of the fact that my OH worked. Thsi helped a lot, until I could qualify for Maternity Benefit under the same principle- having worked enough/paid enough tax and NI in the qualifying weeks.


Also, I presume your GF lives with you? I would have thought that unless she is on a high wage, that 19hrs is a little low to expect 2 adults to live off it? Does she get any benefits at all to top up her wages? Any housing benfit or anything?


Sounds harsh to me but I would deffo look up the contributions-based JSA. Not sure if you would qualify but worth a try?

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Too many employers are doing this - anyone that costs them money are getting the boot. :(


But the poster is going back to work, so he will be making them money. Probably far more than they have paid in SSP, and in some cases an employer can claim that back from the government.


I would second the recommendation to take all the paperwork to the CAB.


They will be able to check what benefits you should be eligible for and more importantly be able to asses whether or not your dismissal was fair.

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