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Ashleigh School - Did you go there?

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I did O level woodwork not I could do any joinery right. Maybe I should have done the A-level. Mr. Jackson took my O level class and I remember him telling me that working with wood is like being a surgeon. It's a good thing I wasn't trying to save a life. It took me two years to make a chess table which I didn't really finish. Mr. Bolan was present during the practical exam. I must have looked so nervous, after the exam he said you could have looked a bit happier. He always seem cheerful.

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Messrs Bolan and Jackson got me through it (just). They were wonderful. Your quote of Mr Jacksons was exactly how he taught. It was funny, I used to spend any free time I had in the workshops (where would you get facilities like that now?), and all the teachers used to come in after hours and do fiddles to make some extra cash or their own diy stuff. The sight of Mr Underdown planing some timber was a novelty! About ohh, ten years after I left school, I got a bizarre phone call from Mr Jackson...Could he come and see me at home, he had a business proposition for me...I was curious...He had become a salesman in a pyramid chain and wanted me to join...Some USA firm...amco or something...He was a good teacher, it seemed a shame somehow...

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