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Leek and potatoe soup

250g potatoes

2 medium leeks

25g butter

1 tbsp cooking oil

1 vegetable stock cube

dried mixed herbs

300ml milk

small handfull of fresh parsley

salt and ground black pepper


1.peel pots and cut into chunks place them in a saucepan

2.cut roots and dark green tops off leeks,slcie through the outside layer and pel it off each leek.

3.wash the leeks,cut the leeks so you get 1cm slices.put the slices into the pan and add the butter and oil

4.turn on the heat and slowly melt the butter when it starts to sizzle put the lid on and turn the heat down low.

5.let the vegs cook gently for 10 mins shake the pan occasionally to stop stickingbut dont lift lid.

6.boil kettle and make stock with your stock cube with 900ml of boiling water.

7.when veg is cooked carefully pour in the stock add a pinch of mixed herbs,the milk and a little salt and pepper.

8.turn up the heat and bring the mixture to the boil,then turn the heat down so that the mixture is bubbling gently

9. let the soup cook for 15mins until the leeks and pots are soft.ladle it in to bowls and sprinkle with chopped parsley and enjoy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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stuffed pancakes

125g plain flour

a pinch of salt

1 egg

sunflower oil

300ml milk

for the filling

1 tbs sunflower oil

400g lean minced beef/turkey

340g jar of tomato pasta sauce

150g soured cream

50g grated cheese


1.seive the flour and salt into a large bowl make a well in the middle of flour and break the egg into the hollow.

2.add a tablespoon of oil and 2 tbsp milk.beat the egg,oil,and milk with some of the flour around the hole add some more of the milk and beat again,continue to add the milk and beat until all the milk is mixed in.

3.heat a small frying pan over a medium heat for about 1min dont put anything into the pan yet.

4.put 2 tbsp of oil into a cup and brush it over the pan

5.add 3 tbsp of batter into the pan swirl it round until it covers the bottom of the pan.put the pan flat on the heat until the batter turns pale and is lightly cooked.

6.loosen the edge of the pancake and slide a fish slice under it.Flip the pancake over and cook it for half a minute more.

7.slide the pancake onto a plate and cover it with a teatowel continue with batter until all is gone.

8.heat a tbsp of oil in a saucepan.Add the mince.Break it up with a wooden spoon and cook it until it is brown all over.

9.stir in the pasta sauce.Bring the pan to the boil then turn it down so that it bubbles gently cook for 5 mins.

10.lay a pancake on a plate.Spoon on 2 tbsp of mixture fold 1 side over the mixture then roll it up.Do this with all the pancakes.

11.Lay the pancakes join side down in a ovenproof dish .Turn on the grill spoon on the soured cream and sprinkle with cheese.

12.put the dish under the grill .Leave it until the cheese starts to bubble and goes golden brown then enjoy mmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Lemon and honey cheesecake

250g digestive biscuits

125g butter

135g packet of lemon jelly

2 tbsp of clear honey

300g single cream

200g fromage frais or quark

also a 20cm(8in) flan tin with loose base it should be about 3cm(1half in deep )


1.Put the biscuits into a clean bag and seal with a elastic band,roll a rolling pin over them to crush.

2.melt the butter in a pan over a low heat pour in the biscuit crumbs and mix with the butter.

3.Grease the inside of the flan dish.Spread the crumb mixture over the bottom and press them down firmly to make the base.

4.Put the base into the fridge to chill,chop the jelly up into cubes and add to a jug.

5.Warm a tbsp under a hot tap dry it then add 2 tbsp of honey to the jelly this makes it easier to measure the honey.

6.pour 300ml of boiling water into the jug.Stir the mixture well leave to cool

7.put the cream into a large bowl use a wooden spoon to beat in the fromage frais until it is smooth.

8.when the jelly mixture is cool pour it into the bowl with the cream.Beat it hard with a whisk to mix it well.Then add to the flan tin and put it in the fridge for 4 hrs to set.

9.When the cheesecake is set lift the base up and put a can underneath,carefully press down on the sides to loosen the base.and serve

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chocolate bananas

Preheat the oven 180c(350f/gas mark 4

Slice the banana lengthways BUT NOT ALL THE WAY THROUGH.

Press cubes of chocolate into the gap and the wrap in foil.

Bake for 20mins ,until the chocolate is melted.

quick and easy but still mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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100g black treacle 75g golden syrup 150g butter 100g soft brown sugar 175g plain flour 2tsp ground ginger 1tsp ground cinnamon 1⁄2tsp nutmeg, grated 275g medium oatmeal 1 large egg 150ml full-fat milk 1tsp bicarbonate of soda


1 Preheat the oven to 180C/ Gas 4. Line a deep 20cmsquare cake tin with nonstick baking paper. Put the black treacle, golden syrup, butter and sugar in a pan and heat gently, stirring, until the butter and sugar have dissolved. Set aside until lukewarm.


2 Sift the fl our, ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg into a bowl. Stir in the oatmeal. Lightly beat the egg and milk with a fork, add bicarbonate of soda and stir into the fl our mixture, along with the butter and treacle until evenly mixed – don’t overbeat. Turn into the tin and bake for about 50 minutes, or until fi rm when lightly pressed in the middle.


3 Leave for 10 minutes, then turn out and cool on a rack. Keep in an airtight container for two days before eating.

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500g strong white flour 1.5tsp salt 1tsp caster sugar 2tsp fast-action dried yeast


1 Sift flour and salt into a bowl, stir in sugar and yeast. Make a well in the centre, stir in 325ml of tepid water and make the dough.


2 Tip onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 to 15 minutes until smooth and elastic.


3 Put in a large, clean, oiled bowl. Cover with oiled clingfilm and leave in a warm place until it has doubled in size.


4 Turn out onto a work surface and knead for 1 minute. Cover with a clean tea towel and leave it to rest for 5 minutes, then shape the dough.


5 Cover and leave to prove until it has nearly doubled in size; it's now ready to glaze and bake.

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