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The films you don't want to see


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I was treated last night to the trailer for talent vacuum Adam Sandler's new film 'You Don't Mess With the Zohan' (has that bloke ever made a film of any quality?), together with the latest from the mighty thespian Vin Diesel, 'Babylon AD'. The peak of that mountain of creative output though was the trailer for 'Get Smart', starring Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, the bloke who isn't Will Farrell out of 'Anchorman' and Anne Hathaway (what could she have been thinking?).


Now I've no idea if these films will sink to the depths of 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and 'Sex Lives of the Potato Men' awfulness, but from the trailers they looked sufficiently dreadful to have me sooner watch back to back episodes of 'Songs of Praise' in preference to these stinkers.


What other potentially rubbish films are out this summer and beyond?

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Every time I go to the cinema there seems to be trailers for huge amounts of rubbish!


Re Adam Sandler: I always get him and that other one...Ben Stiller mixed up! Think Adam Sandler was in Reign Over Me, which I thought was pretty good, he wasn't playing the fool in it all the time. Was pleasantly suprised!

Changed my name: was andreweduk :)

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Possibly the love guru although i'm off to the cinema in a bit. I quite like mike myers and justin timberlake is good eye candy so i'm undecided. Is it really that bobbins? I've heard about people walking out of it...


I've watched some rubbish in my time and the only films i've ever found complete dirge are Dude where's my car? and even that had Ashton Kutcher in it to distract me, I thought that fools gold this year was dreadful and pret a porter which i slept possibly the whole of the film bar about ten minutes. I never did get Hudson Hawk either but apart from that i'll watch any old crap.

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oh yeah pirates of the carribean 3... what on earth was that all about? I felt like my coke had been spiked. I had to watch it through the eyes of the eight year old that was sat next to me and just laugh at the funny bits and watch the fight to get any pleasure from that.

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I was treated last night to the trailer for talent vacuum Adam Sandler's new film 'You Don't Mess With the Zohan' (has that bloke ever made a film of any quality?),


Yes, Punch Drunk Love and Reign Over Me are both marvellous films which showcase that underneath the pathetic attempt at being a comedian there is an actor struggling to emerge. Bizarrely these are also the films that Adam Sandler fans tend to have never heard of, or if they have they think they are rubbish.


How about Disaster Movie (or 'Insert Vague Genre' Movie as the franchise has become)? Looks absolute tripe. For next year there is the sequel to Michael Bay's terrible Transformers which I will be choosing to avoid (it furstrated me enough watching the first).


Thing is, I do tend to watch the rubbish as well as the good. It is like a cleansing ritual for my movie enjoyment - if I watch something really terrible then I appreciate the average a lot more. Early this year I watched Meet The Spartans, and that held me over nicely until the summer, meaning that I could even see the merit in The Happening. Thanks to watching The Love Guru I can now appreciate the rest of the year more (ever Get Smart looks amusing). I also have an 'Adam Sandler ruling' in which every 2 years I must watch one of his films just so I can still say he is toss (this is a way to stump those people who inveitably say "Well, he's gotten better in recent years!") Last year I saw Reign Over Me (and enjoyed it), so I am safe until his inevitable comedy next year.

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I was treated last night to the trailer for talent vacuum Adam Sandler's new film 'You Don't Mess With the Zohan' (has that bloke ever made a film of any quality?), together with the latest from the mighty thespian Vin Diesel, 'Babylon AD'. The peak of that mountain of creative output though was the trailer for 'Get Smart', starring Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, the bloke who isn't Will Farrell out of 'Anchorman' and Anne Hathaway (what could she have been thinking?).


Now I've no idea if these films will sink to the depths of 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and 'Sex Lives of the Potato Men' awfulness, but from the trailers they looked sufficiently dreadful to have me sooner watch back to back episodes of 'Songs of Praise' in preference to these stinkers.


What other potentially rubbish films are out this summer and beyond?


HUH?! Adam Sandler - Happy Gilmore. Little Nicky. Er... er.... Well there's two. Vin Deisel is a surprisingly good actor if he's given a decent role. The Fast and the Furious for one. There was some godawful cop film as well, in which he shocked me with his performance (even if the script was abysmal).


Admittedly the trailers you mentioned are definite 'No-noes' for me.



I point blank refuse to EVER watch the remake of the Italian Job. They should have been flogged for even suggesting it.

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