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Coming soon...im having puppies


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there are no guarantees in life and no they will not end up in the pound she has told the new owners if they dont want her then she will take the pup back

with another staffie and before you chirp in again i will personally vet the homes the pups go to

Thanks for clarifying that :thumbsup:


All too often we have threads that just read like people just don't give a stuff about breeding or buying pups, but it does make a difference when people get to see that responsible people aren't just letting pups go anywhere and wind up homeless after they get past the cute stage!

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It's my business if I'm taking photo's of dogs in the pound who are at risk of being put to sleep for being dumped - as it's taking up my time and a lot of other peoples. Can your sister guarantee none of the photo's I've taken are of her pups?


You advertised the pups for sale, so it's fair to assume you have some connection to them in some way


You obviously cant cope with stress and cruety you see on a daily basis{i wouldnt be able to either}theys alot of things isee at work that i dont agree with but i dont push it down other people throat at every opportunity.i think its time for a career change.you will never make people do what you want them to no matter how much you try.

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You obviously cant cope with stress and cruety you see on a daily basis{i wouldnt be able to either}theys alot of things isee at work that i dont agree with but i dont push it down other people throat at every opportunity.i think its time for a career change.you will never make people do what you want them to no matter how much you try.

hmmmm, I love ironic posts :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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I dont think anybody should stop caring,we all love our pets including me.I seem to be constantly arguing with strix on these posts which is silly because i agree with almost everything she says and admire the work she does.but she does come a cross as very aggressive,I think rather than slag people educate them.I delibertly started an argument with her on another thread so we could have a discusion and educate people at the same time.I bet shes lovely really

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She comes across as aggressive because of the amount of idiots that come on here with moronic notion that because they have a dog they should breed it! It's frustrating and like bangging your head against a brick wall but sometimes just sometimes the message gets through. Yes explaining would be better but when you've said the same thing 1,000 times before you do tend to get aggressive and annoyed with people who just don't care!

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Strix talks to people as she finds them - it usually helps to get your point across if you talk at more or less their level


of course if I really addressed this particular forum member at her own level I'd see just as many of my posts removed as she usually has ;)


If you look hard enough you'll find that Strix has been involved in a number of threads with very reasonable people asking questions about topics such as breeding, but has given very informative answers which have made the OP look at the situation from a new angle :thumbsup:

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Just checked,all the OP has done is save a dog from possible starvation,whats wrong with that?it shows he or she cares and thats "the level"we should like isnt it?or would it have been better to just let it starve and die so people wont slag them off.well done to the OP thanks for saving a dog from the kennels,from all us dog lovers

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