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Advice about getting started

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thanks for your replys i no my spellings not very good so thanks for telling me. this is something that ive heard from a lot of people who work for employers on how there warehouses are in a mess and they havent got the time to sort out things and that they have had people to come in and sort,plan and organise it for them as well as computer work for automated picking etc so they can work a lot quicker and better as it put stock levels correct. for anyone else i find it hard to write down things but when i comes to talking people understand were am coming from its not my fault thats life but anyway thanks for your replys i will take it all on board

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OK - if you're confident when talking to people, call up a few of these people who run the warehouses and ask if they would be interested in such a service. This is essentially a bit of market research.


Is this a business that would require a lot of investment to get started, or would you yourself be the main asset?


Dont worry about your spelling - it needn't hold you back in this day and age, plenty of people with dyslexia run very successful businesses.

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first thing ive not got dyslexia second thing they have all ready payed people to do the work for then ..as for investment i dont no its just somethink that am good at and would like one day to work for myself so am looking for feedback and good advice thats why am on here writing to people like yourself for a bit of help it dosnt have to be this kind of work but you have to start some were in life and i think the more people ask me questions the more i question myself about this kind of work or may be look at somthink a bit more simple but one day i hope i will find it thanks floyd77

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Well dont give up at the first hurdle!


All businesses start with an idea - if its something you're already good at then you're off to a winning start, its the turning that idea into something tha can turn a profit that is a bit tricky. If it was easy everyone would do it.


With the little info you've given me I guess we're talking about stock / warehouse / storage management?

If companies already have people doing this then you need to be able to do it better or cheaper, and look for the companies that dont have people to do it. Call up companies, get mailers made up - tell people how you can help them, that sort of thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For Gods sake stop going on about his spelling and the dyslexia thing is really rare some people just can't spell properly because they weren't taught their sounds at school. Just like some people aren't great with numbers some aren't good with words. Or indeed not being judgemental and having basic manners.

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