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Two brothers guilty of taxi driver murder

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I thought you couldn't buy hand guns in England :confused:


Only illegally, which isn't that hard to do if you know who to ask. It was mainly crack and heroin dealers who started arming themselves, with weapons which suddenly became available after the fall of the iron curtain. Gun crime is on the rise in the UK, although the police do point out that 90% of it involves replica, air or BB guns, so there aren't huge amounts of actual working hand guns out there. I suppose we're fortunate in that when someone gets fatally shot, it's still news here.

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This post is worthy of a thread all of its own!


I would start such a thread but I think it would have to be a poll thread (and I've not started one of those) and preferably a public poll so people can see which way posters have voted. If you know what you're doing and you want to start one please feel free to do so. I won't come after you and your family accusing you of stealing my idea.

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No-one knows exactly what happened, so ppl can't jump to conclussions about all this and i think the people who are bitching about people who know the brothers should get a life, stop judging people and dissin people that do know them..


And yeah the son of the man who was shot should do his time aswell for provoking and causin trouble with the brothers, they are doin time so his son that fired shots outside his home should do the time aswell if thats the case..

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Got to agree with Manorblade here.

How can they be getting life, when they never pulled the trigger and from what I have heard, the killer has come forward. This is further evidence that the government justice system is a joke. Fair enough the two in question should be sentenced but what about the killer. Seems to me they are not sending the right messages out, not to mention Mr Khan's son has to share a lot of responsibility for his father's sad death for the rest of his life.

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No-one knows exactly what happened, so ppl can't jump to conclussions about all this


But unless guns have the ability to wander around and then fire themselves it's safe to say that at least one person knows exactly what happened.

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AM note


The verdict has been given, and it's pointless arguing about it on here, and so as to respect the dead man's family, and not to possibly jeopardise any appeal, and to stop any bickering, I'm closing this


If anyone desperately wants it re-opening, contact the helpdesk.

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