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Morrissey/Smith night in Sheffield - we need one!!!


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well... one thing i understand about peoples opinion on morrissey and the smiths is its a question of love or hate . I know some people will feel the need to abuse whoever promotes having such a night but the fans will really adore it and i think its a brill idea. Regardless of people saying its pure morbidity - its simply a shallow view IMHO.

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As Morrisey is such a Gay icon, and many LGBT's like his music, have you thought of contacting any of the Gay venues to host such a night, such as FAB? There are already some occasional Gay indie nights in town, such as the OUT on a Tuesday every month at the Raynor Lounge in the University of Sheffield Union. Also, you could try venues such as the RED HOUSE, in Solly Street and Bungalows and Bears, as well as Ralph of Razor Stiletto, who also runs Vanity Project every Thursday in Bungalows.

I'd be interested in being a drag 'host', MC, or door-whore for any Morrisey night which gets off the ground, as more Gay-friendly music that isn't just Kylie, Madonna, or King-Caratacus-Around-The-Old-Camp-Fire is badly needed, and few if any of the established Gay venues in town ever play it.

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