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Everything posted by DalianT

  1. S9 here, power went off about 2.30 also. Still off.
  2. I live on the bowden wood estate, whereabouts do you mean? Quite a few places with dogs actually but not seen any house with 5 dogs. Do you mean the house opposite the bus stop just before the three feathers pub?
  3. How about students? How about parents who need to pay their way in the world and feed their children? What does it matter to you? Like the poster above me your comment says a lot about you. For the record I'm one of those "people" who got a job at the new store at Parsons Cross Chaucer Road.
  4. Ah right, mine was 5th July. Look at the post silentaura was quoting. I asked which session he/she attended.
  5. Ah ok. We provided our right to work documents (passport) at the group interview. No mention of checking references or CRB check though. That's put my mind at ease. Didn't think a second interview would make sense. Do you have any idea how many people they're putting through at each session? We were told 700 people were put through to the group interview sessions out of the initial 2500 that applied online. I got the call yesterday to confirm one of the managers would be contacting people in the next few weeks.
  6. Ah right that's good. I passed the group interview as well I just wasn't sure if the manager calling us would be a second interview or just a call to confirm department and hours. It's not been clear to me anyway. I was told on the phone I was successful and one of the managers would be calling me in the next few weeks. Which magic session did you attend?
  7. I also went to one of the magic sessions on Tuesday. Got told I passed the interview yesterday. Although I'm not sure if you pass the magic session you technically have the job. I was told there will be an interview with one the managers in the coming weeks. Not sure if it's a second stage interview that you have to pass again or it's just a chat to sort out which department and what hours you can work. Do you have any idea? I think it's important to note that around 2500 people applied for the jobs at the new Asda opening on Chaucer Road. Around 700 people were picked to attend the magic session, so competition is really fierce now. I was surprised when I heard that but it's a sign of the times we are in now.
  8. £3.50 it is. Thanks! I looked on the site earlier and saw that but it wasn't clear at all.
  9. Hi guys, I've been trying to contact First South Yorkshire about travelling from Sheffield to Doncaster but I'm getting no answer. I'm aware there is a FirstDay South Yorkshire ticket at £4.80 but I can't seem to find any information about how much a single fare would cost for example on the X78 from Sheffield to Doncaster. Just wondering if anybody here has done that trip recently and knows how much it costs? Thanks
  10. I've looked on my bank's (Halifax) website and nothing seems to say whether or not they're open and what their opening times are if they are open. Google doesn't seem to be much help either. Just wondered if anybody on here knows if the banks are open today - Christmas Eve?
  11. Excellent review! Could you bare some insight to yours thought on the ending, without spoiling it of course? I went with a couple of friends, i absolutely loved it from start to finish whilst another of my friends thought the ending was weak as if "the director didn't know how to end it". I obviously disagree mainly because i think it's a piece of brave cinema and dwelling on the ending because you want a big twist or something spectacular isn't what film is all about for me. Inception did it with the "woah" moment but does every film need that? I for one am glad it's getting all these good review and i'm very surprised at it's 8 rating on IMDB as a lot of people just didn't get it from our showing. I think they expected something where he's in the coffin but you see scenes outside the coffin behind the scenes trying to get him out etc.
  12. Couldn't agree any more. I gave it a 7.5, would have given it an 8 but the ending kind of just left things on a minor flat note. On the point about people not getting the film, i went to see it tonight at the 9.30 showing and the amount of people laughing and making silly comments was unreal. It almost spoilt the film for me. Serves us right for coming in on a Wednesday. The projector buggering up didn't help, but people saying things like "how big is this box then?" really wound me up. It's called perspective you idiot! But yea, really good film. I could see it again actually. It didn't cop out with any flashbacks either. After reading one of the first reviews early on in the year (i think) on FirstShowing it met all my expectations, which is rare for me.
  13. Are you sure about that? It was my assumption the entrance is manned around peak times which was when i tried to get through and usually only a day or two a month based on what i've read through on this thread.
  14. Exactly! I was having this discussion earlier with a friend. Instead of putting staff on the trains or maybe even deploying people at each platform entrance/exit, they put 3 or 4 people at the main point of access to the city and think people will not challenge it. I didn't see anyone today but I will for sure make a point next time. It's really great to see people are passionate about this and quite rightly.
  15. Let's make one thing clear, i'm not hiding behind any moderator, nor do I have any intention to. Clearly, you feel offended by my post and if that is still the case I apologise. Secondly, i never once referred to what EMT are carrying out as illegal in terms of the law. There are other methods they could use in the same manner without blocking the main entrance. Using the station is something I do almost everyday in the morning and rush hour to get to college and back home. It also is an inconvenience to have to either walk past the station and walk an extra 10-15 minutes to get into the city centre. The fact is, the bridge just before the station isn't a viable alternative route. It seems to me EMT are trying to implement this quietly without any fuss from the public, compared with last year when there was massive uproar. This won't go unnoticed and the majority of people I know and speak to, are completely against what is happening. I use the trains quite often myself so I'm not some insensitive and selfish daily commuter who wants to use the station just primarily to walk through. However in saying that, fare dodging is a serious issue like you say and probably loses EMT quite a fair bit of revenue. They just need to think a little bit more about the people of Sheffield who also use the station.
  16. That'd a very fair point but the fact is they are what I referred to them as. I still stand by that comment very much. How anyone can think what they are doing is right is completely beyond me. You must not ever use the bridge to take the side of EMT (not directed at meridan). Next time I'm there I'm definitely going to try and show them my student travel master. I have a perfectly legit reason to do so and can very much use it on the rail.
  17. Excuse me, is that directed at my post? I didn't insult any member in my post. If you meant someone else, nevermind.
  18. I tried walking through the station earlier coming from the college on granville road and i was turned away. I often go through the station on my way to college and the way back home. I also like to grab a bite to eat in the station at lunch etc. For starters i am not going to be using the old bridge just before the station. I've only ever walked through it a couple of times. It's not exactly a pleasant experience. I just want to ask whether or not there is a pass people can get to cross it, such as students coming from the college, going home etc? Walking past it through the tramlines adds at least an extra 10 minutes getting into town. An alternative i thought of is i do actually have a student term travelmaster which entitles me to free rail, bus, tram travel in south yorkshire, so would i be able to show the tossers at the at the entrance my pass? I could easily say i'm going on the train. I didn't want to cause a fuss today really, i just asked "are you not letting people through then?" kind of sarcastically and got a reply saying "only people who use the rail mate". I know this is probably too extreme but it's almost like Sheffield has it's own berlin wall. It seriously affects my day anyway. In reality it's more of an inconvenience. Please forgive my unstructured post, i'm a little bit distracted. Hope i got my point across
  19. Don't force someone else's opinion on yourself. Go see it for yourself. I went to watch it on the opening day and I was blown away by it. Like previously mentioned, it's #3 on the IMDB all time movie list which isn't something to sneeze at. Obviously ash has a different opinion of it. No doubt the film like with "The Dark Knight" that went to #2, will drop down the list but not that far. I do disagree with the point it keeps you guessing til the end. I was more intrigued by the whole worlds and levels of dreams and just getting lost in the film for its 2 hour and a half duration was really something else. The only nitpick i had which is the reason i gave it a 7.5/10 was because of the emotional impact the characters and their stories had on me which was non existant.
  20. Hey, Thought i'd post in here if anyone could help me with regards to flashing to a more recent firmware on the samsung galaxy s. First of all, LOVE the phone. It really is amazing, aside from the similarish iphone look. However, there does seem to be a slight stall issue and after some reading around pretty much all day, it just seems that updating to newer firmware does the trick and boosts performance by a considerable amount. I don't want to mess around rooting the phone and all of that. The firmware at the moment is currently JF3 or the PDA I9000XXJF3. I know that you can update to the XWJG3 and more recent JG5. I'm a little worried about doing it incase i brick the phone itself. I've seen a few tutorials and it seems easy enough once you have Odin for example and the files needed. My other concern is will i lose my contacts, data, settings etc. if i flash the phone? I'm just looking for someone who may have some experience in flashing their android phone.
  21. Yea, saw it in 3D. I felt the 3D wasn't obtrusive as i've seen in some movies where you occasionally get things popping out of the screen just for the pure hell of it. It was more like looking through a window into the film. Subtle use. It cost me £1.50 for the 3D extra if you already have your own glasses (cineworld). I pretty much forgot it was 3D throughout the whole film which is really rare for me. I wouldn't like to say if the 3D is better or worse, I would have to see the 2D version.
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