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Posts posted by nightrider

  1. On 01/04/2020 at 21:13, Mister Gee said:

    Farming is facing a monumental crisis. Watching Channel 4 reporting that up to 90% of the asparagus crop will go unpicked unless British workers pick up jobs. The EU migrant labour has stopped coming and Covid hasn't helped. That's just one crop.

    aren't brexit voters queuing up do these?

    On 02/04/2020 at 08:11, L00b said:

    Well, after this morning's news, they're not likely to fall in the US: Trump has minions on the ground in China with cases full of cash, hijack-buying every consignment of masks in sight on tarmacs, sometimes at 3x the price, and sod the original purchasers.


    French local authorities have had several millions hijacked like that, would not surprise me one bit if likewise for other countries, including the UK.


    maybe the french and others need to put in place guards once the purchase is agreed then!

  2. 20 hours ago, Waldo said:

    Unable to register an elderly (83) person for online shopping with Sainsbury’s (not allowing new accounts to be created). What do the elderly need to do to get online shopping?

    Any advice?


    We had the same problem. We found someone local who could do her shopping when they went to do theirs. Getting anything delivered is an impossibility as far as we can tell, the capacity is nowhere near enough. Tried all the smaller outfits too, but none will take new customers.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Padders said:

    How are the food manufactures going to keep up with this demand, surely they will run out of supplies soon, then us that haven't stockpiled will starve.

    they need to introduce strict rationing - I understand many shops have tried and people bully the staff into letting them take what they want. So that means we need to get stricter? Use the army who could take a much firmer hand with these people? I've no idea what else can work at this point. Clearly people are not going to stop until we make examples of some people to deter the rest!

  4. 32 minutes ago, Justin Smith said:

    Could someone please explain the biggest mystery of the moment ?

    Where is all the bread going ?

    Bear in mind :

    1 - Bread goes off in about a week

    2 - Bread is quite bulky so takes up a lot of room in ones freezer

    I heard a theory that some people might even be buying extra bread "as a spare", then binning it when it got stale only to buy some more ! It sounds unlikely, and incredibly selfish*, but I can't think of any other explanation.....


    * If this is true they should be flogged, and I'm only half joking.

    People are also buying freezers. Electrical retailers are apparently selling a lot of large freezers at the moment.

  5. 32 minutes ago, lazarus said:

    Why must the pensioners and over seventies have to get to the supermarkets at 07:00 ? Why not 11:00 to 12:00, it means having to get up early, which most of them do but they can’t use their bus passes. Today a female shopper went round Sainsbury’s on the Moor, she bought a basket full of goods, she went outside gave the shopping to a friend and came back in to get more goods, it’s as bad as looting.

    I guess the problem is that by 11:00 hoarders will have stripped all the supermarkets bare? So the idea is to let the elderly have the first grab.

  6. 19 hours ago, taxman said:

    ASDA in Walkley was all out of tomato puree and olive oil tonight. Oh how very middle class, obviously to go with all the pasta thats been bought.


    A hundred yards down the road Beeches were stocked with everything, including toilet roll at 4 for 79p.

    Problem is soon the hoarders are going to twig that there also local shops and start targeting them :(


    Who are these people? Does anyone know someone doing this? Have you tried to shame them into stopping?

  7. On 17/02/2020 at 10:13, redruby said:

    I was disgusted this morning to see a load of rubbish fly tipped, near the boundary to the Peak District. I can’t even begin to comprehend how anyone thinks it’s ok to dump rubbish in a beautiful place like this. I would like to see it dumped inside their house, maybe that is the only way they could start to understand how ignorant this is. But, it does make me wonder if it should be easier for rubbish to properly disposed of (ideally recycled)?  

    Saw two dumps of computer equipment in the woods near Hagg Lane this week :(


    Have reported it to council, who say Amey will take a look. Given there were boxes with names on and hard disks left in the computers I hope they can catch the owners!

  8. On 14/02/2020 at 18:59, GingerR said:

    Been happening for ages. I moved here in 2002 as the cost of living was unsustainable. I love it here and have been able to have a family which wouldn't have been a possibility in London at all.


    The very, very sad thing though is that most of the communities that existed in London pre-1997 have been smashed apart. Only the very rich can afford to live there without access to social housing. That's rarely available to traditional working class Londoners. Most of them dispersed out to Kent/Essex but even those are now unsustainable, severely short of housing and we're being pushed out further and further.


    People say 'So what? But we're having to go hundreds of miles from our families so cannot support them when elderly or ill and we have no support or help with children.


    As I said, I love it here, but I'm sad my original community was destroyed.

    Yes I'm jealous of a lot of Sheffielder's who have family nearby to help out. Moving back to Surrey where my immediate family live is just not feasible due to extreme housing costs nowadays though. I'm afraid with all the people moving up here eventually we may reach the same situation with housing costs....

    On 15/02/2020 at 09:18, Baron99 said:

    And yet you've decided to 'sorta' make your home & raise your child in a non-vibrant, non-diverse, (never ventured to the Abbeydale / London Rd; Burngreave; Darnall areas then?), backwards, insular city? 


    You state; "I've found Sheffield folk very resentful towards foreigners." No doubt some are, same as many true "Londoners", when I've been down in your home town, yet Sheffield has become home to many large populations of ethnic minorities & has a booming foreign student population. 


    I think you'll find that while some folk in Sheffield will be resentful, (for their own reasons), of foreigners, they're will be a lot more Sheffielders, even more resentful & belligerent towards those of the indigenous population who chose to 'sorta' make their home in the city & then start to moan & groan about it & it's home grown residents. 


    I see you like the Peak District?  Maybe Derbyshire would suit you better? 

    from what I've heard Derbyshire is far more insular and hostile to outsiders/foreigners, especially in the rural areas, than Sheffield is. So not sure thats a better option for them.

  9. On 08/02/2020 at 23:01, Car Boot said:

    A mobile is pretty much essential for job seekers. Employers will not contact anybody without a telephone number these days.


    A mobile phone is essential to get a job. Landlines have gone the way of the VHS recorder.

    I suggest you read my comment again more carefully. Smart phones are not the only type of mobile phone you can buy.

  10. 16 hours ago, Funky_Gibbon said:

    All I can say is that I wouldn't start making any grand plans for how you think it's going to be spent. The money that came from the EU that this is supposed to replace (and they've only promised funding for 1 year so far) was largely allocated towards paying farmers (or should that be farm-land owners like Paul Dacre). Only about 1/3 of the annual figure went on regional investment in infrastructure. It could also be argued that we only got it at all because our own Government couldn't be bothered to invest adequately in the regions of the UK outside London and the South-East and prolonged underfunding turned us into a region that qualified for their emergency aid.



    I think this is an important point - much of that money targeted to the regions was done because the british government did not want to send money there. The EU made up for that. Now we have control its not obvious why it should continue to go to the regions based on past government decisions. If it does, I would think anyway it will target safe labour seats that flipped to tories as a reward (i.e. not Sheffield).

  11. 18 hours ago, Baron99 said:

    A Sheffield University student disagreed with the Uni's lectures' industrial action & requested they get back to lectures, 


    Subsequently the he was contacted, (after conserns by the lecturers' union, who were 'concerned' by his lack of support for their striking?), by Student Welfare. 




    The message is clearly, you don't support us, then you must have a mental health problem? 

    Reading between the lines it sounds like they felt threatened by him being " very agitated, anxious and angry " - i.e. they were worried he might become violent.

  12. 12 hours ago, Baron99 said:

    Of course you could still go out & buy your poultry from a shop or supermarket that will be supporting British farmers, so you can be rest assured that they have been raised to British standards & killed humanly. 


    You'll also be supporting British industry as well.  Why not buy direct from a British farmer? 


    Of course you can fret your life away seeking out US chlorinated children & worry about the health consequences.  It's your choice as a consumer where you buy your goods. 

    We should not have to check labels ourselves and verify the food reaches safety standards - if the US can't produce to our safety standards then it should stay out.

  13. On 28/10/2019 at 11:49, Janus said:

    I was reading an  RAC forum yesterday. There was/or is a petition for the police to cease stopping vehicles on the hard shoulder. The suggestion being put forward was to escort them off the motorway before dealing with minor traffic violations.


    It was not clear how the police would potentially communicate their request to the driver. Maybe it was felt that once stopped the police would simply tell the driver to leave the motorway at the next exit?




    I know someone who was actually lectured for trying to stop on the hard shoulder when they put on the sirens - the policeman explained it was dangerous and that they should never do that. He went on to explain they will know if we want you to pull over because we will be taking more direct action than driving behind you with a siren on. This was Thames police, and it may vary with the force as to what is done.

  14. 10 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

    Jess Philips to pull out.  To be honest I'm not surprised, she performed poorly at the Liverpool hustings, has admitted she's not PM material and today she's Tweeted a big rant about asylum seekers needing more help and support, which hasn't gone down well at all.



    Says more about the publics attitude if helping "foreigners" does not go down well I'm afraid.

  15. 5 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

    It wasn't an emergency. He didn't leave a bill because he said he would put one in the post and of course in hind sight  his intension were to rip off.  An itemised bill on the spot would have given his game away plus its written evidence. My mum took him at his word. Yes he was a bona fide tradesman, van outside  with his name  and slogan on the side. Old peole are very trusting plus very  vunerable  when talking to young six footer.  This won't happen again because in future the next time mum needs any type of work doing we have asked her to inform us first to prevent this happening again.  In todays world people still trust and this is an example of their reward.  :suspect:

    Thats good advice. It's sad there are so many cowboys out there.

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